Apostle Paul – Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire
might only be a bag full of clichés in a veneer of contemporary moviemaking, but as with Fight Club, the ending reminded me of the Last Days.

There are two brothers, and the older one resorts to guns and Dutch courage to deal with opposition, which puts him in good stead with the biggest gangster in town. He helps his younger brother rescue the girl, but claims her for himself (for all the wrong reasons).

The film ends with the younger brother rescuing the wounded “bride”. Both brothers end up “in the money”: the faithful younger brother in a miraculous game show win, the older zealot in a bathtub (grave) full of gangster cash (blood money) before a deadly ‘suicidal’ shootout.

It might be “raw, unleavened melodrama” (as one critic put it), but it’s a story written by the Bible into the fabric of our culture, and one we are still hungry for despite our unbelief.

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