Liturgy as Prophecy

or The Holy Voodoo Doll


The Lord’s plan from the beginning has been to take each man through three stages of development before transfiguration. The first is to give him access to the Tree of Life (bread) and test his obedience as a priest. Adam failed this test. The second is to give him access to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (wine) and test his wisdom as a king. Solomon failed this test. The third is to give him access to and membership of God’s council of elders as a decision maker, one whose words in and of themselves change history. This is testing as a Prophet, one who has been willing to be broken bread and poured out wine, and whose final years are spent giving wise words to the next generation.[1] The Old Covenant prophets passed this test.

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One Response to “Liturgy as Prophecy”

  • Trev Says:

    Mike…This is an excellent blog. Australian churches need to be awoken from their liturgical slumber. We need to realise, again, that worship is cultural warfare. It is not laissez faire, but structured by God for His own glory. Too much of today’s “worship” is on the slippery slope of seeker friendliness. We need weighty liturgy, that displays the holiness and glory of God…the all consuming fire. Liturgy needs to be examined and debated once again.