Feedback, the Matrix, and Vampires

Other than the reviews link at right, and some comments here, I did start a blog for those reading Totus Christus to leave feedback (there is also a link at right under Links tab). If your comments are helpful I will repost them here. So far, people either shake their head in disgust or tell me one chapter was worth the cost of the book (thanks Kelby and Theron!)

If you haven’t ordered one but are thinking about it, don’t delay too long. Once this review edition is gone it might be a while before a final is available.

In the mean time, the simpler Bible Matrix should be available in the U.S. and on Amazon some time during the next 6 months, whether I self-publish (with someone like Thomas Nelson’s Westbow Press) or I manage to convince a real one. Here’s the working cover and blurb…


Did you know Genesis 1 unlocks the whole Bible?

“Ever wish someone could give you a big handle on the whole Bible without years of study? Well, this book not only promises to give you that big handle—it will deliver on the promise. You should be asking, how is this possible? The Bible is one story told over and over again, with many variations on the same theme. This structure is the Bible’s DNA.

This basic seven-point pattern is
the heartbeat of the Creation. 
…..It is the cycle of a human day and a human life.
……….It is the pattern of the Tabernacle.
……….It is the process of agriculture. 
……………It undergirds the speeches and Laws of God. 
……….It orders the rise and fall of nations and empires.
…..It is also the structure of our worship.
It is the rhythm of Christ,
and it will open the Bible for you like never before.”

Travis has provided some helpful feedback and reckons that if I want a popular audience it still needs some dumbing down. I guess I could add time travel or some vampires. Maybe I don’t want it to be that popular.

Yes, the brilliant, gracious and unflappable Dr Leithart has agreed to write a foreword and I am very humbled. (It’s still not too late to pull out!)

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