The Look of Revelation

Death of Stephen

“Martyrdom is more than a sign of impending doom. Martyrs are agents of apocalypse.”

Christian Formation in Our Apocalyptic Age

by Peter J. Leithart

Every summer brings another string of apocalyptic blockbusters to the movie theaters. Godzilla rises from the sea. A meteor smashes into the earth. Volcanoes threaten towns; viruses spread like wildfire; aliens invade. Robots take over, evolving into ex machinas. Terrorists storm the White House. Superheroes do their superheroics against the backdrop of inky Gotham cityscapes. Zombies occupy Pemberly, of all places, so it’s a good thing Elizabeth Bennet is a ninja. It’s as if every Hollywood studio has hired Left Behind creators Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins as script consultants.

If we can trust the signals coming from pop culture, we live in a world charged with what one film critic, following Kierkegaard, calls “apocalyptic dread.”

Continue reading at Touchstone Magazine.

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