Our Fashionable Enemies


Conspiracy theories sell books and DVDs. Anti-Christians love to dig up dung the church dealt with long ago, dung that didn’t stick, and reheat it. They present it as steaming hot, something freshly exposed that the church has previously succeeded in hiding away, for consumption by moderns desperate for reasons to ignore the Law of God. James Howells writes:

“…texts and history and science are regarded as great friends of the vast majority of us in Christianity, not perilous foes to be feared and silenced.

Dennett, Harris, Hitchens and Ehrman are wrestling with a straw man, a simplistic, twisted version of Christianity only fools would believe. David Bentley Hart (whose Atheist Delusions humorously dismantles the absurdities of Dennett, Harris, Hitchens and Ehrman) wishes Christianity’s detractors “had the good manners to despise Christianity for what it actually is” instead of a silly, trivialized, watered down version no one has ever espoused – and so do I. We do not mind hard questions, or sharp critique, or even disbelief — but at least make your assault on whom we really are, and refuse to believe in the Christianity that has withstood the test of centuries, for we want to know more, to have any and all illusions dispelled.

Being disillusioned about God or what we may have been mistaught in Sunday School is always a good thing, for to be disillusioned is to shed illusions. Most critics of Christianity point to the problem of suffering, and conclude “If God is good, how can there be suffering?” But we have always known about suffering, and the Church has not only caused our share of it, but we have also shared with those who suffer: we see them up close, in hospitals and in shelters we operate, on the mission field and in orphanages, and we would not have anyone labor under the illusion that God fashions some sort of protective bubble around us, or is a rapidly functioning magical salve when something hurts. Our story is about a God who actually suffered, and suffers, and we miss the true God then if we never figure out how to pair up God and suffering, for they are very close, and that is our comfort and redemption.”

Hopefully, one day soon, the chimps will realise they have actually run out of poo.

James Howells, Clergy Who Lose Their Faith.

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One Response to “Our Fashionable Enemies”

  • mike w Says:

    thanks mike.
    I’m starting to realise I need to spend more time caring about this rubbish. It is easy to laugh it off as stupid when you’ve seen the real thing, but for those people who are on the fringes of belief it can be quite disturbing