

The Bible is full of mediators. Creation is full of mediators. Mediation is required for relationship. The Spirit mediates between the Son and the Father because they are distinct.

Christ mediates for us, standing before the Father and interceding for us. As we grow in faith by grace, slowly become more like Christ, does it become apparent that the Father is less and less alien to us; that mediation on a relational level is less and less necessary? The process becomes less and less about accommodation. We see the Father when we see Jesus, and are no longer suspicious. Nothing is hidden any longer. He is the face of Man and the face of God. When we understand the way God thinks, even if our personal holiness lags behind, we can see our lives as He does, rather than as we did. We see that the problem was not in any way God’s failure to reveal Himself to us, but the veil over our own eyes. We are becoming one with the Father as Christ is — united by Spirit. In the end, our distinction will be only in name, and no longer in nature.

It’s all grace — grace, grace, grace, and it is a process for which I am grateful beyond words.

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