The Holy Entrepreneur

All of God’s Covenant quests involve risk. If we attempt to avoid the danger of the mission, and seek results through the false safety of our own wisdom, we are prone to far worse perils.

Revelation 21:8 lists cowards among those who will have their part in the lake of fire, under the gaze of a God Who is a consuming fire. Either way, the choice is some form of death, but only obedience brings new life.

A Covenant Man is a holy entrepreneur, and God blesses those who risk all. Instead of returning with plunder for God, self-serving Adams return empty-handed.

Actually, it is worse. The Word never returns void. It brings plunder or it brings plagues. Just as personal holiness brings corporate blessing, personal sin brings corporate curses. God forgave David’s sin, but its legacy in his offspring and kingdom was tragic.

See also Definition of a godly ‘Wide Boy’ and The Expendables

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