Reality is Relational


A new amazon review of The Covenant Key from Doug Floyd:

Michael Bull brings a refreshing exploration of covenant theology in Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key.

Drawing upon the work of such luminaries as James Jordan and Peter Leithart, Bull immerses the reader in covenantal patterning through language and concepts that are accessible to the engaged reader. Sometimes theological ideas are trapped in theological language that limits who can understand the texts. Not so with Bull. He writes to the believer in a style that is simple and engaging. Like the lightning bolts of Jordan, some of Bull’s phrasing explodes with insight and opens up new horizons for the student of scripture.

Consider the lines: “All motion in Creation consists of relationships, the predictable way definite things react to other definite things, like the orbit of the different planets in relation to the gravity of the sun. Physics is relational. Chemistry is relational. The tides are relational. An ecosystem is relational. Agriculture is relational.” While introducing covenant as relation between persons, Bull expands the horizon to reveal that all reality is relational. Bull proceeds to reveal covenant as education, as shelter, as the key to understanding the Bible, and all of history for that matter.

This helpful book introduces a way of thinking and living into Scripture that will challenge many Evangelicals to re-think, re-hearse, re-vision the Word. Yet Bull’s premise is not innovation but draws from some of the richest streams in Reformed theology that are often overlooked by contemporary readers.

I highly recommend this text.


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