Dec 27 2012

Sociology and the New Covenant – 2

or Shekinah People

“The solution here is not, as Calvin believed, to dress the New Covenant’s ethical maturity in the puerile clothing of paedobaptism.”

In The Failure of the American Baptist Culture [PDF], James Jordan, Ray Sutton and others expose the rot at the heart of baptistic theology, which is inherently man-centred. The authors call us from a view of salvation in isolation to a wider vision of the meaning of baptism, which signifies the broader realities of the Covenant of Grace. I learned a great deal about history and Reformed theology, and thoroughly recommend it to you. In my view, however, they don’t go far enough. A call to understand the vital historical connection between circumcision and baptism certainly deals with the errors of the Anabaptists, but when rightly understood, the progressive nature of revelation also exposes the use of paedobaptism as a connection with the Old Covenant as entirely bogus.

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Dec 23 2012

With the Blood

“… and one copy of God’s Kitchen.”
“Sure, son. Drained or with the blood?”

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Dec 21 2012

The Beauty of Numbers – 7

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

Sacred Geometry and Marked Men

Chapters 35-36 bring us to the end of this structural analysis of the book of Numbers. The position of this final cycle is in red.

Overview of Numbers

1 – Israel called and arranged as a New Creation
2 – Leadership disputes, failures and judgments
Leviticus/Ethics GivenAscension/Firstfruits/Altar:
3 – Levitical offerings and “firstfruits” victories
Numbers/Ethics OpenedTesting/Pentecost:
4 – Israel fails the jealous inspection
Deuteronomy/Ethics ReceivedMaturity/Trumpets:
5 – Israel’s national festal offerings
6 – Vengeance upon Midian, Dividing the Land
7 – Cities of Refuge; Marriage of Female Heirs

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Dec 18 2012

Scales of Justice

Snakes and Chains – 2

“They shall take up serpents…”

Thoughts on the Covenantal significance and serpentine nature of biblical “leprosy.”

[This post has been refined and included in Sweet Counsel: Essays to Brighten the Eyes.]
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Dec 8 2012

The Beauty of Numbers – 6

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

We have reached the sixth cycle of Numbers, which seems to include chapters 30-34. Seeing as it has been a while since we looked at Numbers, here’s the overview again, with this next cycle in red.

Overview of Numbers

1 – Israel called and arranged as a New Creation
2 – Leadership disputes, failures and judgments
Leviticus/Ethics GivenAscension/Firstfruits/Altar:
3 – Levitical offerings and “firstfruits” victories
Numbers/Ethics OpenedTesting/Pentecost:
4 – Israel fails the jealous inspection
Deuteronomy/Ethics ReceivedMaturity/Trumpets:
5 – Israel’s national festal offerings
6 – Vengeance upon Midian, Dividing the Land
7 – Yet to see

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Dec 1 2012

When the Sky Falls

Shedding Blood in the Dark: The Liturgical Shape of Skyfall

[This post contains detailed spoilers.]

James Bond: Everybody needs a hobby.
Silva: So, what’s yours?
James Bond: Resurrection.

In the late 60s and early 70s, the structures of traditional Western storytelling were deliberately omitted from “thinking” films. Bleak narratives reflected the randomness of life without faith. Movies were becoming formless and void.

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Nov 30 2012

Cash and Covenant

or Thirty Pieces of Silver

“A Christian culture is a culture of opportunity because it is a culture that flows from the Covenant.”

The Bible Matrix is found throughout the Bible. It is the shape of Creation but it is also the shape of Covenant. It is the process of promise and fulfilment. We see it in Eden. We see it in Canaan. Every Covenant is a mission, a tour of duty, resulting in a safe place to live, a home of abundance, peace and glory. It should be no surprise to Christians that it is also the process that underpins economic growth.

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Nov 21 2012

Waster of Gifts

A while ago, Angie Brennan posted a quote from a Touchstone article on God’s apparent wastefulness when it comes to our natural talents:
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Nov 9 2012

Sons of the Law

or The Federal Vision’s Adam and Steve

Pushing something to its logical conclusions is most often a wise thing to do. If you have good data to start with (unlike those pushing global warming) the resulting “computer model” can be very helpful. This is also the case with biblical doctrine. It is very helpful to push hyperpreterism to its logical conclusions, which damn it entirely. It is also very helpful to push biblical typology to its logical conclusions. This may sound harebrained to some, but if done within the constraints the Bible itself gives us, false doctrine should stand out like blood stains under ultraviolet light.

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Nov 6 2012

Bible Matrix 104

Israel’s annual festal calendar reveals a God of harvest … who likes parties.

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