Nov 3 2012

Bible Matrix 103

God’s Law is the keynote in His process of bringing us from childhood to maturity.

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Oct 30 2012

Bible Matrix 102

Every human day, every human life, is the same shape as the text of the Bible.

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Oct 28 2012

Bible Matrix 101

Here’s the first video. It may be updated before the new website goes online, but it gives you an idea of what you are in for if you take the red pill.

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Oct 26 2012

The Beauty of Numbers – 5

“Israel’s ministry was to purchase every single day with blameless blood. Every morning and evening enjoyed by the nations was paid for in Yahweh’s name.”

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

After the spectacular stories of Balaam and Phinehas, it is no wonder the modern mind has problems when the Torah suddenly crunches its gears to speak once again in detail about offerings. To the higher critic, this is simply evidence of a hodgepodge of scrolls gathered together by an ignorant and hurried scribe. For the believer, it adds to the niggling sense that the Bible has an internal logic which neither your pastor nor any Christian book you have read so far seems to be able to solve, despite many valiant attempts.

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Oct 18 2012

The Beauty of Numbers – 4

Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3

Strange Fire

We’ve reach the central “cycle” of the book of Numbers, the attempt by Balak to destroy Israel. To the unbeliever, it is a story about a talking donkey. For believers, it is a story about a wicked prophet and a carnal people. For those with a wide angle “Bible Matrix” lens, the entire landscape suddenly comes into focus as something familiar and terrifying.

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Oct 13 2012

Seed, Flesh and Skin

Members, here’s a ripe new chapter from God’s Kitchen. The book should be available some time in November.

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Oct 6 2012

Welcome to the Grid

The Bible doesn’t set systematic theology and biblical theology in opposition, but rather employs a combination of both: systematic typology. It consistently gives us architectural spaces and fills them with things. Systematic theology provides a helpful list of similar things, and biblical theology can trace the maturation of particular ideas, but what if the text itself gave us a way of combining the two, using them as “spatial coordinates”?

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Sep 29 2012

The Locusts are Coming

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Sep 29 2012

New Connections

Another review of Bible Matrix on

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Sep 19 2012

Internal Law

“To have a God-given internal moral compass is to have God Himself.”

Maturation is the process of making God’s “external law” into our internal law, our operating, animating principle. This has huge implications for sanctification, but it also explains a lot of what is going on in the Bible’s symbolism and architecture.

[This post has been refined and included in Sweet Counsel: Essays to Brighten the Eyes.]
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