May 31 2012

Barren Worlds

“Typologically speaking, life on other planets would be Creational ‘polygamy,’ something outside the character of God.”

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May 30 2012

Boxes Within Boxes

Richard Bledsoe has kindly reviewed Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key on amazon.
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May 29 2012

Daniel’s Long Shadow

“As the book of Daniel progresses, it opens in stages like a flower.”

Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied;
by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant,
make many to be accounted righteous,
and he shall bear their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:11

MarkO and I had some discussion on here recently concerning the “abomination of desolation.” Was it the massacre of converted Jews during the Roman siege, or was it simply a delayed judgment for the crucifixion of “the Righteous One”? Mark writes:

I am inclined to think that the abominable act was the slaughter of The Righteous One. I take this idea from the Sanhedrin’s rejection and condemnation of Jesus as both God and Messiah (Mark 14:61-64), Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (Acts 2:22-23), his next sermon in Acts 3 (3:14) and also from Stephen’s defense (sermon) before the Sanhedrin (Acts 7:52).

So, is it the Righteous One or the Righteous Ones?

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May 14 2012

The Knife Drawer

“The necessary practice of theology is the Spirit’s invitation to the Church to ‘divide up’ and take an increasing possession of the Bible. The very mind of God is part of our glorious inheritance.”

Much of the material in God’s Kitchen (both the book and the reality) requires some understanding of the Bible Matrix, so I have included a chapter at the beginning with many of the charts from the previous books, and a couple of new ones.

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May 11 2012

A New Covenant

Jesus’ words in John 14:23 follow the blueprint for His work in God’s people in the 40 years between AD30 and AD70.

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May 8 2012

A Bad Investment

Tinpot Gods and Tinpot Men

“Idolatry is the Bible Matrix rendered impotent.”

You get out of life only what you put in, or so the saying goes. According to the Bible Matrix, you are supposed to get out more than you put in.

The single grain of wheat that dies is supposed to bring an abundant harvest. A life is given to God in the faith that He will take what is given and turn it into an increase. This is also found in the Covenant pattern: “Who’s the boss?; who’s His representative?; what do I have to do?; what do I get?; and, what’s next? Obedience brings plunder; disobedience brings plagues. [1]

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May 2 2012

The Circumcision of Satan

or This Is Not An Evil Age

By evil age, I do not mean the “terrible twos,” or even terrible teens. Many Christians believe they are living in the “evil age” Paul refers to in Galatians 1. They are wrong. Continue reading

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Apr 29 2012

The Bone of a Man

“There’s nothing like bones to remind you of your heritage.”

Further to the previous post, the structure of the declaration in Numbers 19 concerning contact with the dead seems to support the assertion that, since the fall, flesh is corrupt but clean bones are “bridal” memorials. Firstly, look at where the “bone of an Adam” appears in the structure:

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Apr 28 2012

Bone and Flesh

“Touching a bone made an Israelite unclean. Burning bones upon Jeroboam’s altars defiled them. This was not because bones were unholy but because they were already holy.”

Here’s a new chapter from God’s Kitchen (members only).

“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.”
Genesis 2:23

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Apr 23 2012

Some Blogging Heads

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