Jan 27 2012

The Great Feast of Jesus

or Riffing on Moses


The Lord’s name might not be mentioned explicitly in the book of Esther (though some scholars see it hidden in the text), but as literature it is riddled with riffs on the patterns found in the Law and the Prophets. We don’t see it because we don’t interpret “musically,” that is, looking for recurring themes. [1]

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Jan 20 2012

Another Gospel

or Paedobaptism vs. Postmillennialism


The word regeneration is often used to describe conversion, but in Scripture it is understood as a process. God calls, cleanses, instructs, clothes, feeds and commissions us. I believe this fact is, however, abused by paedobaptists, who seem to me to be prone to throw the actual “watershed” of conversion out with their baby bath water.

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Jan 7 2012

A Punch in the Face


Here’s a new amazon review of The Covenant Key by “the man with the cigar,” David Deutsch.

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Dec 24 2011

For They Shall See God


The Literary Structure of Luke 2

God loves architecture. He starts with a Garden, moves to stone, then to flesh. Should it surprise us that the Nativity and the events surrounding it follow the same patterns as the Tabernacle and the Creation week?

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Dec 23 2011

A Perfect Fit

bmxiii-cvrHere’s the next planned Bible Matrix book…

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Dec 23 2011

The Bones of Elisha


or What’s the Problem with Matthew 27:51-53?

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Dec 22 2011

The End of Exile?


Along with many other academics — and many hymnwriters — J. R. Daniel Kirk believes the advent ended the Babylonian exile. He writes: “The exile was insufficient to pay for the people’s sins. So not only did the exile endure, so did the sins which were its cause.” Is really this the case? Israel never again worshiped the Canaanite gods. However, he still has a lot to say that is good:

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Dec 16 2011

Reality is Relational


A new amazon review of The Covenant Key from Doug Floyd:

Michael Bull brings a refreshing exploration of covenant theology in Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key.

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Dec 12 2011

Bible Matrix X-mas


“So I commended
……….because a man
……….has nothing better
……………under the sun
…..…..than to eat,
and be merry…”
(Eccles. 8:15)

If you love the chiasmi of the Bible, why not arrange a “Covenant” Christmas banquet using the Bible Matrix?*

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Dec 11 2011

David as an Offering

“So David (Sabbath – Creation)
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