Dec 9 2011

The Breath of His Coming – 2


The Living Dead and the Dead Living

Creation: In part 1 we saw that the theme of the first stanza of 2 Thessalonians 2 was the “Sabbath” rest of the church. Paul writes to remove the alarm caused by the “conspiracy theorists” who attempted to disturb it.

Division: The second stanza concerned the splitting of the church into two — those who would persevere despite the growing threat of tribulation throughout the empire [1], and those who would succumb to their fears. The attacks would culminate in the completion of Herod’s Temple and the Nero’s burning of Rome in AD64. The first threw doubt upon the words of Christ concerning the Temple, and the second, though hardly believed, was an excuse to scapegoat this new Jew-Gentile sect, now legally separated from the protection afforded to Jews by Rome. The gospel tore Judaism in two. Then it united those believing Jews with Gentiles. But as in the wilderness, new Israel would be threshed and purified.

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Dec 7 2011

The Breath of His Coming – 1

This post concerns the Covenant-literary structure of 2 Thessalonians 2. The context and audience are first century, but it amazes me how willing we modern Christians are to do intricate hermeneutical acrobatics to avoid the obvious conclusion that the particular “coming” of Christ referred to here was also a first century event – the end of the Old Covenant in AD70.

A reasonably close look at the text makes it inescapable. A very close analysis makes it inexcusable, especially once we are versed in the literary mechanics of the Bible Matrix. Continue reading

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Dec 6 2011

The Example of Saul


I posted this cycle in response to a comment/suggestion by Steven Opp. It’s from Totus Christus. I’ve learnt since 2009 that the texts contain much more precise structures than I was aware of at the time, but do believe this one still holds water at a general level. And speaking of water, look where Paul’s baptism occurs in the passage.

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Dec 3 2011

Living Stones – 3

1 Peter 2:4-10  |  Sermon Notes


The Stoning of Israel

I think it’s worth looking at the literary structure of this passage. Here’s a revised version of the sheet I handed out after the sermon.

As I’ve written before, modern readers (and commentators) only look at the content of the text, but the authors of Scripture also communicate to us through where they place that content within that text, i.e. how it is arranged.

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Nov 30 2011

Living Stones – 2

1 Peter 2:4-10  |  Sermon Notes


Unfinished Business

6    For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”

The first mention of a cornerstone is in Job 38. The Lord sees the Land as the foundation of His Temple. The entire structure reflects the Covenantal nature of the act of Creation.

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Nov 28 2011

Living Stones – 1

1 Peter 2:4-10  |  Sermon Notes


Cut and Uncut Stones

4    As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—

Peter’s use of the stone image should bring many Old Testament images to mind:

  • the precious stones of Havilah, intended to be mined from the Land to glorify the sanctuary [1]
  • the false stones of Babel (they had brick for stone)
  • Jacob’s head on the altar stone, in a deep sleep
  • Jacob’s raising of an altar stone in Bethel: “And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”
  • Zipporah’s sharp stone of circumcision
  • Moses enthroned on a stone at the defeat of Amalek
  • Israel’s altars of stone (one stone for each tribe) at Sinai and Carmel
  • The precious stones on the breastplate of the High Priest
  • The tablets of stone carrying the ten words
  • The stones of the “Levitical” house in the city filled with plague
  • The stones of judgment, the ground itself as a witness executing transgressors outside the camp
  • The black and white stones in the ephod

We have two types of stones: uncut stones (altar, judgment – the Law) and cut, or precious, stones (glory and riches – Grace).

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Nov 22 2011

Existence, Economics and Empire

Here’s the radio interview I did recently with Jerry Bowyer.  It’s a run down on the Genesis one “matrix” and how it structures existence, economics and empire.

Click here to listen

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Nov 9 2011

A Grave with the Ends Kicked Out


Micah Martin (brother of one of the authors of Beyond Creation Science), has kindly read Bible Matrix II and written about my adherence to the Genesis account of Creation as both Covenant and history (i.e. the account is not simply an account of the physical world being given a Covenantal purpose as a Temple, but also its actual Creation). There is much that we agree on, but the disagreement on this subject couldn’t be sharper, or of more importance.

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Nov 7 2011

Here Comes Success

or A Dream Within the Dream


One of the hyperpreterist/full preterist [1] gents made a keen observation after reading my article Covenant is the Key: Moses vs. Hyperpreterism. My argument was that since the Revelation follows the Covenant structure laid down in the Torah (and echoed throughout the Bible), we should expect the final section of the book to concern the future, otherwise known as Continuity or Succession.

The counterargument was that this section did concern the future when John wrote the book, but that we are living beyond that future now, and there is no final event or consummation. The only consummation was AD70.

This is a really good argument, but it does two things. Firstly, it makes nonsense of their own argument that Revelation 20 is another viewpoint of the events surrounding the end of Judaism in AD70. Also, it fails to take into account the structure and contents of Revelation 20 itself.

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Nov 5 2011

Bible Matrix on radio

Economist (and Christian) Jerry Bowyer will be interviewing me about the Bible Matrix books on November 16 for his radio show. I’ll keep you posted concerning a broadcast date.

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