Jun 13 2011

Three Strikes

or True Gravity – 2


Someone made the comment that the “Bible Matrix” is something mystical. While it is certainly typological, it is not mystical. And it is only typological because it is the process of maturity God has built into everything under heaven. Trees and men grow up and bear fruit. That’s typology.

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Jun 11 2011

He Is Not Here…


You can find this over at Doug Wilson’s blog. I’m reposting it here because I’ve just spent over an hour responding to Doug R. and John B.’s good objections to comments on Shakin’ The Tree, so I’ve not got time to write anything new. Also, posting it here means I can find it more easily in future! So, at the risk of becoming the anti-paedobaptist/anti-hyperpreterist blog…

Baptism Points Away

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Jun 8 2011

Shakin’ the Tree


The debate over infant baptism at Doug Wilson’s blog continues. Pastor Wilson writes:

“The Gentiles were threatened with removal from the same tree the unbelieving Jews had been in. But if this were the tree of salvation, then the elect can lose their salvation — which cannot be defended biblically. And if this is the tree of the covenant, then the point stands” (To a Thousand Generations, p. 36)

This looks logical enough, but trees are a process of maturity, from seed to fruit. So is righteousness, and so is sin.

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Jun 4 2011

Law as Mirror



When Adam saw the two trees at the centre of the Garden, he was looking at the heart of the Trinity.

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May 30 2011

Moses vs. Hyperpreterism


There is great advantage in tracking the shape of God’s work in history through the Old Testament. This is because God is consistent. Everything He does has the same shape, even though He does it in new and surprising (and sometimes devastating) ways.

One of the big handles in Scripture is the five-fold Covenant pattern, described by Ray Sutton in his book, “That You May Prosper: Dominion by Covenant.” Continue reading

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May 27 2011

Darren Doane reviews Bible Matrix

Filmmaker Darren Doane (“Collision” www.collisionmovie.com) reviews Mike Bull’s Bible Matrix: An Introduction to the DNA of the Scriptures, and then lets a 12 year old Veritas Hall student explain the basics for the grownups.

“We have been using your Bible Matrix book during our time of staff training and it has proven to be a huge blessing and is reshaping the way we think as both a staff and school. Thank you.”
Dennis Deutsch
Veritas Hall

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May 15 2011

Kindle Edition now available


Bible Matrix is now (finally!) available for Kindle.

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May 11 2011

Always Read the Ingredients


Here’s the contents of The Covenant Key. A bit gratuitous, but it may help some to see the logic in the arrangement before reading it.

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May 5 2011

The Seven Seals

The draft of The Covenant Key is complete, and has been sent to faithful hounds to pick apart (including Travis, who could never pass for Granny with those admirable gnashers). If all goes according to plan, it should be edited, printed and available mid-June.

From the book:
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Apr 22 2011

My Lord, What a Mornin’ – 3

and The Bible’s Genome Stability

The third stanza of Matthew 28.


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