Apr 19 2011

My Lord, What a Mornin’ – 2


[Part 1 is here.] Here’s the next matrix cycle in Matthew 28:

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Apr 16 2011

My Lord, What a Mornin’


or Matthew’s Literary Artistry 2.

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Apr 10 2011

eBook Out Soon


Bible Matrix should be available for Kindle, iPad and other e-readers soon…

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Mar 30 2011

The Brimstone Cup: Psalm 11


Psalm 11 seems a simple one to break down. As usual, once the structure is parsed, the author’s allusions are allowed to shine. The odd progression of the subject matter of the song suddenly makes sense. Now, remember we are dealing with poetry. All those silly rules you learnt at Bible college don’t apply. But all those good rules you learnt in English class do apply. The context is the Covenant, and Covenant breakers, and all the allusions are drawn from the history of the Covenant so far. It all takes place inside the tent of God and the Land of God, because that is where judgment begins.

Genesis – Creation – Day 1 – Sabbath
In the LORD (Transcendence)
…..I put my trust; (Hierarchy)
……….How can you say to my soul, (Ethics)
…..“Flee as a bird (Sanctions)
to your mountain”? (Continuity)

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Mar 28 2011

Covenant Prayer

Kellen Carroll, a friend of commenter Greg Fields, has had a look at John 17 with the Bible Matrix.

“My pastor has been going through the book of John for the past six years or so. We just recently finished chapter 17, at the same time I came to the section in Totus Christus where you mentioned the Covenantal Treaty.

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Mar 26 2011

From The Vault


Breath of God

The End is Not Yet

50 Failed Predictions #9

Vile Bodies or Bright Young Things

Ten Days of Awe

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Mar 24 2011

Border Patrol


“And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying,
Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount,
or touch the border of it:
whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death.”
Exodus 19:12

The Bible beats blood and water into us over and over again. Blood is death. Water is resurrection. Blood is the Bridegroom and water is the Bride.

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Mar 22 2011

Martial Art


Rick Capezza has reviewed Bible Matrix on amazon.com.

The Bible’s Big Picture

Oftentimes, I will hear the Bible described as a “manual for living.” Michael Bull paints another picture. In Bible Matrix, he shows the Bible as a work of art, literature, and history.

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Mar 15 2011

If I Could Turn Back Time


or Raising Up the Temple

An analysis of the literary structure of Day 5 of Creation and passages that are apparently parallel.
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Mar 12 2011

No Bronze Wedding


“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the Son of Man be lifted up…”
John 3:14

Peter Leithart recently noticed a chiasm in John 3:

A. Lifted up
B. Serpent
……C. Wilderness
B’. Son of Man
A’. lifted up.

Bible Matrix readers should notice immediately the wilderness at the centre. This means there is a lot more to this single phrase of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus. In fact, there is all of heaven and earth.

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