Jun 14 2010

Take the Red Pill


From Bible Matrix:

The Bible is a very strange book to modern minds. Even the passages we know very well contain a great number of oddities and we allow them to grow familiar without gaining an understanding of why they are there.

Those brave enough to regularly read the Old Testament often find themselves wondering what on earth is going on. “Just keep reading your Bible” our pastors tell us. Do you ever get the feeling they don’t have a big grip on it either? “Just stick to the basics. The rest doesn’t matter.”

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Jun 8 2010

Manipulate Reality


Bible Matrix is now available on amazon in both paperback and hardcover. Bit late to worry about typos now, I guess. Thanks to everyone who encouraged and proofed and edited and especially to Dr Leithart whose uncommon accessibility shows where his heart is.

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Jun 2 2010

Wake up, coppertop.

timetoleaveWelcome to the Matrix.

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May 27 2010

Better than Red Bull

biblematrixinacanINGREDIENTS: An irrefutable demonstration of Genesis 1 as the foundational shape of both Biblical history and Biblical literature; an exciting, entry-level introduction to Systematic Typology; a demonstration of the use of this system in the Bible that might make even Christopher Hitchens’ jaw drop; many unspoken but obvious implications of this premise including: a) evidence for the unity of the entire Bible, b) a demonstration that Genesis 1-11 is history because it gradually builds a foundation for the necessity of the call of Abraham, c) evidence for the sovereignty and wisdom of the God Who orders all events in history according to His plan, no matter how chaotic things appear at the time; and finally, an overview of New Testament history based on all the Biblical structures previously observed that has enormous implications not only for hermeneutics but for the future of Christianity. And sugar.

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Apr 8 2009

Elisha’s Short Fuse


Here is a comment I posted on another blog. The blog accuses God (and the Bible) of cruelty as a basis to reject the Scriptures:

And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. 2 Kings 2:23-24

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Apr 8 2009

The Altar of the Abyss – 7


Revelation 20-21:21 as a new Tabernacle

This passage seems to follow the Tabernacle furniture (and the Feasts, but more subtly). It concerns the inauguration of the new heavens and new land, the gospel age as a new creation, beginning with the closing of the heavy lid of the false ark.

Day 1 Throne The Ark of the Abyss – Satan thrown into the pit (cf Zechariah 5)

Day 2 Firmament The Laver of the Abyss – Satan’s final rebellion ends in the lake of fire

Day 3 Altar (Land & Sea) The Altar of the Abyss – Land and Sea give up their dead to be judged

Day 4 Lampstand The Lampstand of Heaven – the Holy City (Eve lights) is ready for her Adam light

Day 5 Altar (Incense) The Altar of Heaven – True and false Eve armies are separated

Day 6 Firmament The Laver of Heaven – the Old Covenant crystal sea is replaced with a crystal city

Day 7 Throne The Ark of Heaven – the bridal city is described as pure gold, the Shekinah

Greater Eve, the virgin bride, is enthroned over the nations, a human government in heaven.

This pattern reflects the testing of Adam in the garden. Jesus deals here with Adam’s usurper and rescues Eve from the serpent by filling her with the light of the Law. She becomes a “fulfilled Ark” as the pattern is measured out across the world.

The remainder of Revelation begins a new pattern, but it ends halfway through at the same test Adam faced – the Tree of Life.


The image above is from Elizabeth – the Golden Age, which contains some truly awesome ‘warrior bride’ iconography. TAOTA

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