Feb 24 2013

Read the Bible with New Eyes

Most of what you have been taught about the Bible — especially by modern experts — is wrong. The dumb things John Dickson said about Genesis 1 on ABCTV this week are a prime example. Academics are capable of astounding levels of cognitive dissonance. Yes, the texts are ancient, but the ancients weren’t idiots, especially when it came to chronology. Treating the text as a myth throws the entire Bible’s chronology out the window. It’s not the ancients who are the idiots in this case.

Here’s four talks given this week in London by James Jordan. Let him clear away the clutter for you, especially if you are in ministry and have been taught some of the incredibly dumb things invented by those well-meaning but misguided modernist dunderheads in the academies. Learn to read the Bible with new eyes…

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Feb 18 2013

Rise A Knight

or What Was A Nazirite?

“A defiled Nazirite is an Adam or an Eve who has failed at holy war and thus cannot enter into God’s rest.”

Since I rave on about structure so much (and how wrong it is that we moderns regard it as merely an ornamental option rather than as the label on the tin) the fractalicious* Covenant structure of Numbers 6 should give us some clues as to what the Nazirite vow actually was in the big picture.

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Feb 13 2013

The Ethical Nude

“Picasso did not paint for the eyes but for the gut. He painted for the gut that the eyes might be opened.”

One only has to compare a portrait of Picasso’s wife to that of one his lovers to prove that his strange perspective on reality worked from the inside out. What we feel as we observe his works is what he feels about his subjects as he paints them. The spirit and desire which animate man and beast not only move flesh but, in Picasso’s world, distort reality. Time and history without fail reveal the true character of objects, people and ideologies. A Picasso is often the exterior of a person or event shaped or distorted by the spirit and emotion within. It is a history in a single frame, an X ray that discovers not the bones but the heart. Emotional reality is revealed in shape and color. In these cases, his subjects are possibly “ethical nudes.”

This post has been slain and resurrected for inclusion in my 2015 book of essays, Inquietude.

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Feb 12 2013

Nehemiah Cleans House

“With this theory of the joke in mind, the final chapter of Nehemiah is holy and hysterical.”

In his book, Deep Exegesis, Peter Leithart speaks of the biblical text as many things, but none is more confronting than his viewing the text as a “joke.” His explanation, however, makes perfect sense. What makes a joke funny? It is either prior knowledge to which not everyone is privy, or a confounding of expectations (which are also based on prior knowledge to some degree). The Bible is full of such jokes, and realizing one is in on the joke is immensely satisfying.

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Feb 11 2013

Zodiac or Ziggurat?

Here’s a challenge to the twelve tribes Zodiac theory…

I put together the chart above for Bible Matrix III based on James Jordan’s chart in his very helpful Behind the Scenes: Orientation in the Book of Revelation. Since the four kingly faces correspond to the four quadrants, it takes the Zodiac and corresponds it to the tribes in Numbers. His explanation of how the Zodiac corresponds to the tribes is very good, but the actual Zodiac seems alien to the Bible, which repeats symbols over and over, and these don’t really get repeated. It feels like a foreign body and it bugged me for days!

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Feb 7 2013

Planet Gnarnia

or The New Downgrade

She drove a Plymouth Satellite
Faster than the speed of light…

“Pastor, if the local atheist knows the Bible and understands its basic implications for morality, society, politics, education, economics, history and science better than the people you instruct every week, and most likely he does, you are failing them.”

It seems to me that good Christians go off to Bible college and seminary little suspecting that these institutions are places where they teach you how not to read a book.

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Feb 6 2013

Wing of the Temple

Structure of Psalm 91, with comments on Matthew 4:6

For the tools to make sense of the parsing below, get the Bible Matrix books. Book 1 describes the sevenfold Creation pattern. Book 2 describes the fivefold Covenant pattern from which the sevenfold pattern is derived (and how both of them are derived from the threefold Trinity).


He who dwells (Sabbath/Creation – Day 1)
in the covering/shelter/disguise  (Passover/Division – Day 2)
of the Most High,  (Firstfruits/Ascension – Day 3)
who under the shade of the Almighty/Day abides  (Pentecost/Testing – Day 4)
will say of the Lord,  (Trumpets/Maturity – Day 5)
“He is my refuge and my fortress;  (Atonement/Conquest – Day 6)
My God, in Him I will trust.”  (Booths/Glorification – Day 7)

Strangely, the RSV does a better job of the flow on this one than the NKJV or ESV. Here is where literary structure helps translation of Hebrew! Line 5 does not begin a new sentence.

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Feb 5 2013

Pushing the Language Forward

Food, Commerce and Art made for Reproduction

“He was most American of artists and the most artistic of Americans,
so American in fact, that he was virtually invisible to us.” – Dave Hickey

These are the infamous soup cans by Andy Warhol. Initially, the work attracted little response. But Irving Blum, the art dealer who took a risk on Warhol, told the artist that as he observed them day after day in his LA gallery, they had a profound effect upon him. He couldn’t put it into words, but he realized that, together, as a unit, and only as a unit, they silently but consistently presented a deep question.

This post has been slain and resurrected for inclusion in my 2015 book of essays, Inquietude.

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Feb 1 2013

The Household God

Another chapter from Bible Matrix III:

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Jan 26 2013

A Son for Glory

Here’s an [edited] excerpt from Toby Sumpter’s new book on Job, which I am really enjoying. It is a commentary with a pastoral heart, as evidenced below:
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