The Infinite Room
Rescuing Revelation
The book of Revelation polarises Christians. Some become obsessed with ‘cracking its code’ while others throw it into the too hard basket. Thankfully, recent advances in biblical theology enable us to liberate this enigmatic book from both mistreatment and obscurity.
Why I Don’t Go Full-Wilsonian
“I want to be like Doug Wilson when I grow up. My aim is to go full-Wilson in life. But to get there I must not go all-in Wilsonian…”
The End of Alinsky
Paedobaptism Is Identity Theft
Christ’s Claim Upon Us, Or Our Claim Upon Him?
I am not worthy to untie the shoelaces of my theological betters, but it is my duty to point out to them when they have tied them together.
Canadian artist and author Michael O’Brien discusses the “soft totalitarianism” of secularism’s “friendly dragon.”
Walker Percy once wrote about the Western writer’s tendency to what he called “Solzhenitsyn-envy.” Percy’s witticim is tongue in cheek, and insightful, but it begs a deeper look: Why is the envy there in the first place? Why would one envy a suffering, persecuted man?
Ministry from the Dead
An excerpt from a new book, Metropolitan Manifesto, by Rich Bledsoe.
The ancient and pagan world was conquered by martyrs. Can modernity be re-Christianized by anything else?
Is The World Getting Worse?
Why You’ve Been Duped Into Believing The Myth That The World Is Getting Worse and Worse
by J. D. King
A former colleague disclosed his anxiety about the violence in the Middle East. Of particular concern for him were the brutal onslaughts against Christians by an organization known as ISIS. This terrorist organization that began as part of al Qaeda in Iraq has spread throughout Arab world. It has beheaded and brutally opposed anyone who differs from their fierce form of Islamic Fundamentalism.