Nov 1 2009

Out of Reach


Christ cast Satan out of the Garden. He bought it with blood. The Garden ascended. The Garden is now out of his reach. Satan was bound, then released for a time.

Satan took up residence in the Land. The firstfruits church bought it with blood. [1] The Land ascended. The Land is now out of Satan’s reach. Satan was bound. He will again be released for a time.

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Nov 1 2009

Calling a Spade a Spade…


A further thought on confession related to Your Own Private Sheol:

At the seduction of Eve, Adam was faced with a creature he had previously named. This naming was the first expression of his dominion.

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Oct 31 2009

OT GBH in Context – 2


Another thought on the contrast between Israel’s history of bloodshed and the church’s history of being shed blood: it revolves around death and resurrection. Israel was the four cornered Bronze Altar, and that saw lots of bodies on it. It was near the gate guarded by priests with swords. That Israel was slain and restored but without an earthly king or army. Continue reading

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Oct 30 2009

OT GBH in Context

or Life in a Trinitarian Universe


Doug Jones writes:

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Oct 30 2009

Exploiting Nehemiah

or How Not to Read the Bible


We moderns have not been trained in how to read texts, let alone ancient ones. Reading texts requires not only an understanding of what is said but an appreciation of how it is said. Consequently, the sacred texts are simply scanned for information that supports what we have already received or they are mishandled entirely. T. David Gordon asserts that this is the reason modern preaching is so disappointing and unengaging. See Why Johnny Can’t Preach and Threshing the Text. We won’t allow the Bible to say anything new.

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Oct 30 2009

Spin the Dryer Friday


Jam and Jerusalem

Bloody Throne, Bloody Frontiers

Feminize the Clergy

Touch Not, Taste Not, Handle Not

A “Priesthood of All Believers” Can Be Messy – 2

Preterists and the Lord’s Supper

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Oct 29 2009

Was Mark the Rich Young Ruler?


The Formerly Rich Young Man

by Halden Doerge

In a previous post about the story of the rich young man (Mark 10:17-21) I suggested that there’s no reason to think that the man did not indeed go away intending to do as Jesus commanded, by selling all his possessions and following him. In the comments someone suggested that there is a tradition that suggests Barnabas may be the rich young man in question here. I did some digging and couldn’t find much of anything on that point, but I did find another possibility that actually has support from the text of Mark itself.

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Oct 29 2009

The First Resurrection

Open Ark – Light – Sabbath
Behold, I tell you a mystery:

Open Veil – Firmament – Passover (Midnight)
We shall not all sleep,

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Oct 28 2009

Uneducated Fishermen? Nuh-uh


Ignorant (willfully?) of ancient literary conventions, higher critics explained the carelessness of arrangement they thought was apparent in Old Testament books with fallacies like the JEDP theory. It turns out they were very wrong. James Jordan writes:

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Oct 27 2009

Learning to Love

“What makes a man a good cricketer? Practice. What makes a man a good man? Practice. Nothing else.”

Henry Drummond on the fruits of the Spirit:


Now the business of our lives is to have these nine things fitted into our characters. That is the supreme work to which we need to address ourselves in this world, to learn Love. Is life not full of opportunities for learning Love? Every man and woman every day has a thousand of them. The world is not a play-ground; it is a schoolroom. Continue reading

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