Oct 2 2009

Spin the Dervish Friday

The Go-Betweens

Your Own Private Sheol

Joseph as Torn Veil

New Perspective on Sin

St John’s Grammar

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Oct 1 2009

Feasts in Colossians 1:15-20


This contribution by Kelby Carlson, who just finished my book. He deserves a big medal. He also thinks it should be longer!

For our English class we are reading The Scarlet Letter. It’s amazing how much symbolism there is in literature, and your book (Jordan’s, too, and a few others) have really started to help me see that. I think man fundmentally fits symbols into everything, even if sometimes it is unintentional. I am just amazed at how something that at first appears simple can say so much; which has me even more in awe of the Scriptures.

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Oct 1 2009

What’s Cooking? – 1

More Thoughts on Prophetic Cauldrons

“Double, double toil and trouble
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.”
Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1


Two days ago, we saw the Lord take Jeremiah through the Creation/Tabernacle pattern as He anointed him. Here’s some more thoughts on the Babylonian “seething pot” using the Tabernacle pattern as a guide.

Usually, the Lampstand is at the centre of the passage (Pentecost). But the almond tree/Lampstand here is at Firstfruits. The Land of Day 3 is the Bronze Altar, but the grain and fruit (the Table) is replaced here by the almond).

Jeremiah, as a sign to Israel, is made the incarnation of Yahweh. The seven-eyed “watching tree” is actually Jeremiah, and the Lord continually asks him to “see.” As the prophetic Lampstand watched over Israel (the Table), so Jeremiah would watch over her destruction.[1] The Table seems to be covered by Nebuchadnezzar!

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Sep 30 2009

Solo Scriptura



Roman Catholics like to remind us Protestants that the Reformation’s sola scriptura has caused unmitigated doctrinal division. Interpretation must be done in community by people who know what they are talking about.

In his talk this week (see previous post Heliocentric Preaching), Doug Wilson humourously described the “just me and my Bible” people who fail to realise that the Bible itself calls us to theology in community. We all need teachers, and the Bible is written the way it is so we are forced into some sort of discipleship. Left alone with our Bibles, we are all Ethiopian eunuchs.

So regarding sola scriptura and interpretive authority, I kind of agree with the Catholics! It has always been something done by the church community.[1]

H O W E V E R . . .

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Sep 29 2009

Feasts in Jeremiah 1

or Jeremiah’s Seven Thunders

joshuastrumpetsThis feasts pattern covers Jeremiah 1:4 – 2:1 so the chapter division is a bit off. After the introduction (vv. 1-3), the Lord speaks. Jeremiah then speaks as Yahweh’s representative from 2:2. He is a Trumpets warning before Nebuchadnezzar’s “Day of Atonement” and the enforced sabbath of the Land.

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Sabbath (Genesis – Creation)
[Word from the Ark]
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: ”Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

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Sep 28 2009

Protesting the Draft

or There Is No Conscription In Christianity, So Stop Picturing It.


I’m not opposed to apparently weird and wonderful ideas from the Bible (anyone who visits this blog knows that), as long as they can be backed up repeatedly from Scripture. This is inevitably typological, and this is why I take issue with infant baptism. As I have written elsewhere here, the entire Old Testament typological freight train is against it, but I just want to hammer one point here, and I have a silver hammer.

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Sep 27 2009

Heliocentric Preaching

Doug Wilson’s sermon yesterday at John Piper’s Calvin conference:
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Sep 27 2009

Fighting over the Children

Or The Tabernacle in Genesis 3

solomonstemple2One of the best things you get from James Jordan is a big handle on the Tabernacle.[1] It was a miniature of the creation. It was also a further development of the Garden of Eden, being more glorious than the Garden itself (the trees were now worked timber, and the wood was covered in precious metal).

Jordan’s theory that Satan was to be a tutor to Adam and Eve, but fell in the moment he deceived them, finds support in the Tabernacle layout. (Angels tutor God’s people throughout the Old Testament.) Satan was the secondary lightbearer, the Lampstand, facing north.

Adam was to be broken bread and poured out wine, the Face of the Man, facing south, the Table of Showbread (the facebread).

Between them, Eve, the mother of all living, was the Altar of Incense. As element 5, Day 5, she is a “multitude” in one body. She is awesome as an army with banners. Women possess all their ova from birth.[2] Continue reading

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Sep 26 2009

Feasts in Jeremiah 9


Sabbath (creation – Genesis 1:1′s “in the beginning” is literally “at the head”)
Oh that my head were waters,
   and my eyes a fountain of tears,

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Sep 25 2009

The Acid Test


Today we had our final “Scripture” class at the high school for this term. After a summary of the term’s lessons and a final gospel presentation, students were asked to fill out a form and tick some boxes. It was encouraging to see how many students ticked the “I made a decision for God today” box (or words to that effect). And which kids tick that box is always very surprising. God is at work.

Which left us to decide what to do next term. We can’t just do the basics again (and believe me, the lessons we are doing now are kindy stuff). I suggested we challenge those who made decisions to join a church and get baptized. Look of horror from the Anglican teacher.

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