Aug 28 2009

Friday Archive Dig


We Don’t Know What’s Become of Him

Ordinary People

Bling or Kindling

Behold Your Mother

The Wolf and the Lamb

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Aug 27 2009

Esau’s Ladder


“…when the blood goes up, the Spirit comes down.”

The battle between the Son and the serpent rages throughout the Old Testament. Every time the Lord renews the Covenant, Satan is ready with a counterfeit. God uses the phonies to test and purify His people, wipes the failures off the slate, then starts again.

Aaron and Jeroboam set up patently false worship in their golden calves. But false worship in the guise of true was much more difficult to discern, especially when it usurped the exact location of the true. When the Lord took Ezekiel to the Temple as a legal witness, it was a whitewashed tomb. He dug through the wall and discovered that it was a house of hypocrisy, the synagogue of Satan. All that remained of Israel’s witness to the nations was a thin veneer. 

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Aug 27 2009

Angels in the Trees – 1


Desert Trees for a Crystal House

Trees are elementary Bible symbols. James Jordan writes:

We have noted that God’s people are spoken of as trees. Genesis 2 sets up the connection by saying that both men and trees come out of the ground (Genesis 2:7, 9). We have mentioned already such passages as Psalm 1 and Judges 9, where trees symbolize men. An interesting sidelight on this symbolism is provided in Mark 8:24, where the blind man healed by our Lord initially saw men as trees walking.

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Aug 25 2009

Revivals and Farming



I watched a sermon by J. Edwin Orr from 1976 in which he gave a summary of his brilliant history of revivals. His main point was that revivals all began with unified, cross-denominational prayer. It was a very friendly yet stunning address.

Revivalism cops heat from mainline denominations, and often for good reason. But the societal fruits of the events Orr shared were exactly the kinds of things the proponents of dominion theology crave to see in our time. And they happened over night. What’s the deal?

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Aug 25 2009

Never Trust a Theologian…


Daily Dose of Doug:

Yesterday at church I saw a bumpersticker on a friend’s car that summarizes a lot of things wonderfully. “Never trust a theologian who hasn’t been executed.”

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Aug 24 2009

Few There Be

or Eclipsing the Temple of Doom

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”  Matthew 7:14


Oh dear. This verse proves postmillennialism wrong. It also proves the rest of the Bible wrong because that is postmillennial too. Fortunately, this problem seems almost as simple to deal with as Irenaeus’ ambiguous text that non-preterists use to “unfound” preterism.[1]

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Aug 22 2009

The Fall Guy

or Silence of the Lamb


“And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb.”   Daniel 10:15


The Dominion pattern always begins with a Word from God. The one He speaks to then goes through a symbolic “Passover” death-and-resurrection. The new prophet is then “raised” to his feet (Firstfruits) and given a task. Filled with God’s Word, he opens it to the intended audience (Pentecost).[1]

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Aug 21 2009

Friday Archive Troll


Here’s a few old posts you might like to dig up and read.

Inside Themselves

Babel and Pentecost

Hear, Think, Speak, Sing

Human Wrecking Ball

Confused Lip

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Aug 20 2009

Adam as Dorian Gray


Peter Leithart writes:

Matthew quotes Isaiah 53:4 to explain how Jesus removes illness and uncleanness (Matthew 8:17). Jesus radiates life, and that life heals the sick and raises the dead.  Jesus also accepts death and uncleanness on Himself, to be borne away on the cross.  Continue reading

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Aug 18 2009

Old Saints


The Master loiters in nursing homes.
Waiting on those who wait for Him,
With those whose grip on life is failing,
Who can do nothing now but pray.

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