Apr 8 2009

A simple answer to the problem of distant starlight

supernova“There are “clocks” all over the universe, like supernova, that show us the universe really is 13.7 billion years old.”

What does a young earth creationist say to this? Is there a simple answer?

The best way I could distill Dr Humphreys’ theory was to understand that a clock on Mt Everest moves faster than one at sea level. If the universe has a centre of gravity as he postulates, then time moves faster as one moves from its centre. Apparently the only major variation he makes to modern cosmology is that the universe is finite and therefore has a centre.

Sounds just as plausible to me as anything the old earthers postulate.

Starlight and time—a further breakthrough

A stunning new book by a physics professor purports to show more firmly than ever how light from the most distant stars would have reached Earth in a very short time.

Some new developments here.

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Apr 8 2009

One Nation Under Darwin

Today is the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, and evolutionists are celebrating worldwide that they are nothing more than bags of meat and bone with electricity running through them. “Praise Darwin from whom all matter flows!,” their doxology goes. The religious character of Darwin is evident in the way those from the Freedom From Religion Foundation are commemorating his birth. Their billboards look like stained glass windows! Soon we’ll be seeing signs pointing us to First Church of Charles Darwin. Oh, wait, it’s the local public schools.

Gary DeMar  12 February 2009

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Apr 8 2009

Cambrian Explosion Still Exploding


“A delicious irony Woodward points out is that though the Darwinists have always said that the fossil record problems would decrease as more fossils are uncovered, the situation on the Cambrian is worse now that it was just a few years ago for the evolutionists. Jun-Yuan Chen of the Nanking Institute of Geology began an excavation of Cambrian deposits in southern China, which as they have progressed over twenty years now, produced the ‘the greatest Cambrian fossil bonanza of all time’ (p. 107). The paucity of evolutionary ancestors for these new creatures is more glaring than ever.”

Intelligent debate
A review of Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design by Thomas Woodward. Reviewed by Lael Weinberger

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Apr 8 2009

Blessed are the Fleeced

“This last Lord’s Day, something occurred to me in the course of the sermon, something which I mentioned in passing. But then as I was reading the Scriptures this last week, the same point jumped off the page at me, and in a far more explicit way than what I had seen before…

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Apr 8 2009

When is it OK to be rude?


On the one hand, loud-mouthed, offensive Christians might not make unbelievers think, “Gee, I want to be like you.” But on the other, are Christians to woo the world using only the vocab of a Rick Warren calendar? When is it OK to be offensive?

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Apr 8 2009

Postmillennial Suffering


“…since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us…” (Hebrews 12:1)


To defeat Satan is to expose his lies to the truth – to unmask him. We see lots of unmaskings in the Bible. Many of these use the saints as bait. The true natures of Pharaoh, of Job’s accusers, and of Haman and the enemies of God in Esther were all exposed when God’s people became weak. A corpse always brings out the dirty birds (Matthew 24:28), the ‘Edomite’ false brothers waiting to loot a razed Jerusalem.

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Apr 8 2009

On the outside looking in

Passover was not a sign of salvation, but of coming salvation. Passover constituted Israel a “peculiar” people, particularly redeemed by God, and given a special priestly task. How were the gentiles related to Passover? By watching it, and putting faith in it. Someday, according to the promise of the covenant, they would be let in the House. For now, they were to stand at the doors and windows and look in. They watched the peculiar people eat the Passover, and they trusted that God would save them as well. They watched the peculiar priestly people circumcise their children, and they trusted that the benefits of that act were theirs as well.

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Apr 8 2009

Apostolic Succession?

Claims of apostolic succession by themselves, then, are not only meaningless, they can easily become idolatrous, substituting temporal continuity for the discontinuous new-creating work of the Spirit. According to the Creed, only the Spirit is the “Lord and Giver of life.”

Thus, we should not be surprised when it turns out to be relatively new churches that are the true heirs of the wealth of the past. It is what we should expect, when we realize that our God “makes all things new.”

James B. Jordan, The Sociology of the Church, p. 132.
Download PDF here.

Institutionally, the Roman church is a memorial to the dividing, life-preserving judgment of God. It is an empty cicada shell, now gold-plated by men to cover the word Ichabod engraved on its forehead. And all churches are subject to such assessment.

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Apr 8 2009

A New Creation


The Restoration Era is the least understood period of Bible history. But without understanding the foundations laid during this time, we misinterpret the ‘apocalyptic’ passages in the New Testament. We won’t understand John’s new Jerusalem if we think Nehemiah’s is just about restoring a broken community.

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Apr 8 2009

Life Savings


Esther before Ahasuerus, 1628–35. Artemisia Gentileschi (Italian [Roman], 1593–1651/53).

The repeated structures in the Bible allow us to fill in some of the gaps. Although it can’t be proved from Genesis 1-3 that Adam and Eve would have been given robes if they had obeyed, the event is repeated many times throughout the Bible and there are robes of office for the obedient.1

Similarly, the event is repeated in the book of Esther. Without a Jewish king, the role of the restored Israel was that of a priesthood of all Jews within the “Tabernacle” of the empire. So Mordecai’s failure, in advising Esther to hide her identity, epitomises the failure of Israel even at this early stage in this era.

Enter the snake, Haman. Continue reading

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