Jun 9 2012

Matthew’s Vehicular Use of Scripture

Dee Dee Warren recently posted some quotes from R. T. France’s commentary on Matthew. Concerning Matthew’s use of the Old Testament, France writes:
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Jun 7 2012

From the Vault

Infinite Room 1 – Beyond Binary

Infinite Room 2 – The Creative Equation

Infinite Room 3 -The Fruitful Field

Infinite Room 4 – Smoke and Mirrors

Infinite Room 5 – The Killing Field

Infinite Room 6 – The Tearing of God

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Jun 6 2012

The Ascension of Daniel

Just as the death and resurrection of Israel in Egypt follows the pattern of the Feasts, so does the death and resurrection of Israel in Babylon. [1]

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Jun 2 2012

Music History

Covenant Theology on a keyboard

The three is a five. The four is a seven. The five is a seven. The seven is a twelve.

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Jun 2 2012

Baby Names and the Authenticity of the Gospels

John Dickson does a great job of showing how rubbish and pants the apocryphal “gospels” are, but he still believes that the real ones were written decades after the actual events. James Jordan has written some very convincing arguments concerning the Jewish practice of getting things into print almost immediately (a culture where not everyone reads and writes is not the same as an oral culture), but it seems the very names of people in the Gospels supports early dates of composition. Craig J. Hazen writes:
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Jun 2 2012

The Illusion of Control

In a recent sermon on 1 Samuel 30, Doug Wilson commented on David’s insistence that those who stayed behind to guard the supplies received an equal share of the plunder:

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May 31 2012

Barren Worlds

“Typologically speaking, life on other planets would be Creational ‘polygamy,’ something outside the character of God.”

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May 30 2012

Boxes Within Boxes

Richard Bledsoe has kindly reviewed Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key on amazon.
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May 29 2012

Daniel’s Long Shadow

“As the book of Daniel progresses, it opens in stages like a flower.”

Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied;
by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant,
make many to be accounted righteous,
and he shall bear their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:11

MarkO and I had some discussion on here recently concerning the “abomination of desolation.” Was it the massacre of converted Jews during the Roman siege, or was it simply a delayed judgment for the crucifixion of “the Righteous One”? Mark writes:

I am inclined to think that the abominable act was the slaughter of The Righteous One. I take this idea from the Sanhedrin’s rejection and condemnation of Jesus as both God and Messiah (Mark 14:61-64), Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (Acts 2:22-23), his next sermon in Acts 3 (3:14) and also from Stephen’s defense (sermon) before the Sanhedrin (Acts 7:52).

So, is it the Righteous One or the Righteous Ones?

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May 26 2012

We’re All Protestants Now

“Roman” Catholic is a contradiction in terms. Much like “World Series” Baseball.

The “Too catholic to be Catholic” goodness continues, with Rich Bledsoe and James Jordan pitching in from different angles:

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