May 26 2012

Missions, Not Martial Arts

A few months ago I posted some lengthy quotations on Biblical gender roles. Richard Walker has provided a helpful summary. I know I’m quoting a blog that quotes this blog, but he wraps it up nicely.
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May 25 2012

There Is No Golden Rule

Here’s a discussion that’s gone on over at Doug Wilson’s blog. If you have read it there, you can skip it here. I’m posting it for those who haven’t, and also for my own future reference (there’s a book on baptism coming from me at some point not too far away). Also, if there is some more discussion over there I will add it over here.

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May 25 2012

Separated Brothers

“1-2 Kings gives us no such comfort: Christ has been divided in our divisions.”

Peter Leithart’s blog is included on the blogroll here, and most readers here read PJL anyway, but his recent posts on Church unity are worthy of flags being flown everywhere possible.

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May 24 2012

From the Vault

The Purpose of the Law

Newspaper Exegesis

One Taken, One Left Behind

How To Read The New Testament

Mad Men

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May 23 2012

Sin City – 1

A quick historical summary of the destruction of Jerusalem for your non-preterist friends:

In AD64, Herod’s Temple was completed, and Nero burned Rome. Both events led to the persecution of Christians — the Great Tribulation.

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May 22 2012

Too catholic to be Catholic

Peter Leithart writes:

“Catholicism and Orthodoxy are impressive for their heritage, the seriousness of much of their theology, the seriousness with which they take Christian cultural engagement.

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May 17 2012

The Eternal People

The dreamtime is over.

The Bible teaches us that flesh is temporary. This is bad news for those who distrust God. Flesh is all they have.

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May 15 2012

The Mature Worshipper

“What if your gospel-preaching pastor is not as good as one of the great orators of our day? Is it time to sell the house, pack up the family, and change churches? No, I don’t think so. But what should you do?”

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May 14 2012

The Knife Drawer

“The necessary practice of theology is the Spirit’s invitation to the Church to ‘divide up’ and take an increasing possession of the Bible. The very mind of God is part of our glorious inheritance.”

Much of the material in God’s Kitchen (both the book and the reality) requires some understanding of the Bible Matrix, so I have included a chapter at the beginning with many of the charts from the previous books, and a couple of new ones.

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May 11 2012

A New Covenant

Jesus’ words in John 14:23 follow the blueprint for His work in God’s people in the 40 years between AD30 and AD70.

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