Sep 22 2011

Global Glass Ceiling


or The False Bride Will Never Get A Management Position

“…the only unity that will be allowed by the Father is the unity that Jesus requested from the Father in John 17.”

One of the interesting “universal themes” that James Jordan has uncovered in the Bible is that of Satan’s various attempts to “gather the nations” against the Church. You can read about that in a series of blog posts called Amalek Debunks Hyperpreterism (click here and scroll down).

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Sep 21 2011

The Divine Scrubb


William Booth’s eldest daughter, Founder of the Salvation Army in France and Switzerland, known later in life as “the Maréchale,” said, “Go for souls, and go for the worst.” So should we. After all, Jesus does.

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Sep 18 2011

Reasons for Praise


Psalm 33

If you feel spiritually barren, that is a good thing. It is because you are, and because God has shown it to you. However, a barren heart cannot praise God. So often we rock up to church with empty hearts and attempt to feel “worshipful.” Well, we are commanded to worship, but must we draw water from dry wells?

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Sep 13 2011

A Tale of Three Kings

“Saul is in your bloodstream, in the marrow of your bones. He makes up the very flesh and muscle of your heart. He is mixed into your soul. He inhabits the nuclei of your atoms.”


No one who reads this blog has ever suffered at the hands of self-righteous, authoritarian church leaders, I’m sure.

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Sep 10 2011

The Covenant Key – sample



Here’s the Preface, Introduction and first two chapters of The Covenant Key, which will be on the press in the next few days.


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Sep 10 2011

Living on the Pinnacles

Stephen Henderson posted this quote from Doug Jones’ In Defense of Wind Grasping:
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Sep 9 2011

One Useful Tool


My friend Pastor Albert Garlando has internalized the matrix. He spotted one without even looking for it.
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Sep 8 2011

Moses in Psalm 23


Kelby Carlson has asked me to have a go at the structure of Psalm 23.

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Sep 7 2011

Metal Man


The description of Jesus in Revelation 1 follows the Bible’s new Creation matrix.

Jesus is the Word, and His manifestation is described in the pattern of the Creation Week. He is the Word made flesh, the Sacrament who “tabernacled” among us, and so is described in the pattern of the Tabernacle. He is the Word in Government, ruling over the pastors of the churches, and so we also see elements of the corresponding Dominion pattern.

Revelation is indeed a sublime book. Every stanza refracts the structure of every section, which in turn refracts the structure of the book, which in turn refracts the structure of the entire Bible. This literature comes from the mouth of the uncreated, the One who creates things fully formed from nothing; it is irreducibly complex. Nothing can be added, and nothing can be taken away.

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Sep 7 2011

The PHI Index

“The ancient Hebrews had Ten Commandments, and one slim volume of commentary on those commandments. Go to the nearest law library and ask to see the regulations that you, enlightened modern man, live under. They will show you shelf after shelf of big fat books, and the incoming regulations will, on a daily basis, far surpass the Mosaic code in volume, and what they overdo in quantity they will make up for in pettiness, hubris, and incoherence” (Douglas Wilson, God Is: How Christianity Explains Everything, p. 46).

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