May 23 2011

A Motor of Social Change

In the Telegraph, Tim Stanley writes:

Evangelism is complex and nuanced. There are charismatics and fundamentalists, liberals and conservatives, black and white and racially mixed congregations. Its variation accords well with the free-market ethos of America, where each church is part of a thriving marketplace of ideas. Evangelicalism cannot be summarised in one glib column, or damned by the actions of one misguided branch. And while the federal government continues to break down and capitalism only entrenches divides, evangelicalism is a motor of social change.

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May 18 2011

The Dawkins Meme


“I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.” — Richard Dawkins

Well, there’s one statement I don’t understand, unless Mr Dawkins means every religion except Christianity. Modern science was born of a distinctly Christian worldview. This next quote is one I understand to a point, but only because Mr Dawkins has a broken worldview.

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May 15 2011

Kindle Edition now available


Bible Matrix is now (finally!) available for Kindle.

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May 13 2011

Jesus vs. Jerusalem

A Commentary on Luke 9:51-20:26
Jesus’ Lawsuit Against Israel

I haven’t read this, but it sounds like an eye-opener for those new to preterism. Perhaps this approach will be helpful in getting Christians used to thinking more contextually about the New Testament:

“Most people don’t realize that many if not most of Jesus’ parables were intended not as general morality tales, but as particular pronouncements of coming judgment and change. Jesus was warning Jerusalem to repent and to accept its new King (Jesus) or else fall under ultimate condemnation of God.

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May 12 2011

Doug Wilson in UK


Here’s a link to some free lectures given by Doug Wilson in the UK this week.

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May 11 2011

Always Read the Ingredients


Here’s the contents of The Covenant Key. A bit gratuitous, but it may help some to see the logic in the arrangement before reading it.

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May 10 2011

A God-Centred Home

Here’s a snippet from John Barach’s review of Lou Priolo’s The Heart of Anger: Practical Help for the Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children:

Priolo presents two family models, inviting you to determine which one best matches your family.

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May 9 2011

From The Vault



Thorn in the Flesh

Fool’s Gold

Saul Meets Ananias

Was John in Exile?

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May 7 2011

What You Didn’t Know about Galileo

by Mitch Stokes. Available from Canon Press.

galileo-mstokesIn 1633, the Inquisition found Galileo guilty of “vehement suspicion of heresy” for his support of Copernicanism, the view that the earth moves around a stationary sun. The ill and elderly scientist was then forced to recant his view and spend the rest of his life under house arrest. He died in his country villa in 1642, entirely blind.

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May 5 2011

The Seven Seals

The draft of The Covenant Key is complete, and has been sent to faithful hounds to pick apart (including Travis, who could never pass for Granny with those admirable gnashers). If all goes according to plan, it should be edited, printed and available mid-June.

From the book:
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