May 4 2011

Biblical Rites

breadandcup-vintageModerns are very familiar with process and with story. Everyone’s an expert and everyone’s a film critic. Yet modern Christians are ignorant of the processes in the Bible and how they relate to life. God’s Book is not just a stream of disjoined facts. Every part of it is a carefully ordered process designed to move things forward and bring about change. The story is a process. The process is a story.

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May 2 2011

Joyless Modernity

“Modernity has for many moderns been a singularly joyless place… And no wonder: Continue reading

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Apr 29 2011

Daniel’s Face-off


In his ground-breaking and fascinating The Handwriting on the Wall, [1] James Jordan writes:

God intends to teach Nebuchadnezzar what true wisdom is, by giving him advisors who have genuine knowledge of good and evil, men who call evil “evil” and good “good” (Isaiah 5:20–21). In Daniel 2-5, we shall repeatedly see the false wisdom of the Chaldeans fail, and the true wisdom of God’s people triumph.

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Apr 27 2011



Have been chewing on Covenant renewal in Communion a lot. I’m starting to think the emphasis on the Table is not so much nourishment as resurrection and commission under oath.

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Apr 23 2011

Better Promises


Doug Wilson writes:

“When it comes to child-rearing, between the Old and New Testaments there is total and complete continuity on the subject of godly parenting. There is no discontinuity. It needs to be emphasized again that there is continuity in the promises of God with regard to parenting. Not surprisingly, this has ramifications for the subject of infant baptism” (To a Thousand Generations, p. 10).

I am currently reading this book. Lots of good stuff in there, even for a Baptist. BUT…

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Apr 22 2011

My Lord, What a Mornin’ – 3

and The Bible’s Genome Stability

The third stanza of Matthew 28.


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Apr 20 2011

Does the Bible Matter in C21?

Spotted by Burke Shade:
Does the Bible Matter In the 21st Century? by Vishal Mangalwadi

“The West became great because biblical monogamy harnessed sexual energy to build strong families, women, children, and men.”

“In his quest to change oppressive regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush argued, ‘Everyone desires freedom.’ True. Everyone also desires a happy marriage: can everyone therefore have one?

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Apr 19 2011

My Lord, What a Mornin’ – 2


[Part 1 is here.] Here’s the next matrix cycle in Matthew 28:

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Apr 18 2011

God-defined People


“Recall the phrase: ‘Poor planning on your part does not constitute a crisis on my part’.  The less mature are always attempting to enroll others in their disquiet, their ‘crisis du jour’. A perceived catastrophe on the part of certain members of the congregation does not constitute a calamity for a well-defined leader.”

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Apr 16 2011

My Lord, What a Mornin’


or Matthew’s Literary Artistry 2.

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