Nov 8 2015

Inquiétude Review

3 skull pyramid-Cezanne
Here’s a new amazon review for Inquiétude. It’s by Jared Leonard (Georgia USA) who not only helped to edit the book but also contributed to an appendix. This could be seen as a conflict of interest (if there were any interest), but let’s just say no one is as familiar with this material as he is.

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Nov 7 2015

Covenant Renewal Worship vs. Paedosacraments

Horeb - Gerome

Ignorance of the Bible’s very consistent architecture has led to the assembly of many well-meaning but errant doctrinal constructs over the centuries. With reference to it, however, the conflicts are made plain. Our own towers to heaven, however historic they might be, and however cherished, must be torn down.

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Oct 26 2015

Music and Hermeneutics


By James B. Jordan, at Theopolis Institute.

From time to time, when I’ve lectured on how to read the Bible, I’ve used art-music as one example thereof. When we listen to a simple folk song, we hear the same melody over and over again, but this is not how composers write “high” music. Let me amplify.

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Oct 3 2015

Beating Around the Burning Bush


The Blindness of Paedosacramentalism

Leithart’s paper is not a New Covenant growth from glory to glory, but an Old Covenant journey from dust to dust.

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Sep 27 2015

Scapegoating as Resistance to Change

Death of Louis XVI

An excerpt from a new book, Metropolitan Manifesto, by Rich Bledsoe.

Institutions say they want change, but this is at best a schizophrenic desire. Change requires pain and nobody wants pain.

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Sep 12 2015

Ministry from the Dead

Daniel 6-Tanner

An excerpt from a new book, Metropolitan Manifesto, by Rich Bledsoe.

The ancient and pagan world was conquered by martyrs. Can modernity be re-Christianized by anything else?

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Aug 24 2015

From The Vault

The Red Wedding
Why Ten Words on Two Tablets?
Those Afar Off
The Fifth Element

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Aug 23 2015

Is The World Getting Worse?


Why You’ve Been Duped Into Believing The Myth That The World Is Getting Worse and Worse

by J. D. King

A former colleague disclosed his anxiety about the violence in the Middle East. Of particular concern for him were the brutal onslaughts against Christians by an organization known as ISIS. This terrorist organization that began as part of al Qaeda in Iraq has spread throughout Arab world. It has beheaded and brutally opposed anyone who differs from their fierce form of Islamic Fundamentalism.

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Aug 22 2015

Apologia on Reading the Bible

What does it mean to read the Bible as inspired literature?

James Jordan-Theopolis-0815-Sby James B. Jordan – PART 1

What does it mean to read the Bible as inspired literature? The method is not new nor is it uncommon in Dutch Reformed circles. Exegesis must be Christocentric, plenary (all the text serves a theological purpose), respect the context in God’s redemptive plan, and plumb the full literary depth of the writing.

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Aug 20 2015

Inquiétude now available


Essays for a People Without Eyes

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