Jun 16 2010

Waitin’ for the BMX narwhal


My erudite friend Bryce Cassin posted a review on Amazon. (The pic above is not Bryce.)

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Jun 15 2010

Stuff is Good

or There Is No Last Supper


A quote from N. T. Wright on Pentecost (pilfered from Uri’s blog):

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Jun 14 2010

Take the Red Pill


From Bible Matrix:

The Bible is a very strange book to modern minds. Even the passages we know very well contain a great number of oddities and we allow them to grow familiar without gaining an understanding of why they are there.

Those brave enough to regularly read the Old Testament often find themselves wondering what on earth is going on. “Just keep reading your Bible” our pastors tell us. Do you ever get the feeling they don’t have a big grip on it either? “Just stick to the basics. The rest doesn’t matter.”

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Jun 12 2010

Totus Christus

tcstackA Totus Christus review*

Finally. Mike Bull has done it. Finally. Totus Christus is a tour de force of Biblical Theology. Here we have a book that believes the Bible is the Word of God and is not ashamed of any part of it. Bull believes in Biblical History all the way down to the talking serpent in the garden. Here we have a faithful exposition of the Symbolic, Typological and Poetic theology of the Bible that does not sacrifice faith in the Literal and Historical.

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Jun 11 2010

A Lit Stick of Dynamite


I’m sure I’ve seen the same look in Doug Wilson’s eyes.

The Bible and only the Bible is the ultimate and infallible spiritual authority in the lives of believers. We have fought a series of skirmishes over the infallibility of Scripture.

But, who today believes as Calvin did? Who today treats the Bible as Calvin did? Who today thinks that the Bible opened in the pulpit is a lit stick of dynamite, one that mere mortals are ordained to just throw out into the world? How many preachers have sermons on file that they would not dare to preach without purchasing some extra life insurance first?

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Jun 10 2010

Christian Education Defined

Veritas Hall westlake – Christian Education from Darren Doane on Vimeo.

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Jun 8 2010

Manipulate Reality


Bible Matrix is now available on amazon in both paperback and hardcover. Bit late to worry about typos now, I guess. Thanks to everyone who encouraged and proofed and edited and especially to Dr Leithart whose uncommon accessibility shows where his heart is.

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Jun 8 2010

The Glory Are We


“Then all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes.” Ezra 3:11-12

Doug Wilson writes (Less Glory Is More):

The Bible teaches us that the times of the new covenant are attended with a greater glory than the old covenant, as well as with a greater simplicity. In effect, that simplicity is part of the glory.

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Jun 7 2010

How To Read the Bible

or The Real Hebel


James Jordan was asked whereabouts in the Bible is the best place to start reading it:

We should start in Genesis. What we should really do is pass a law that for five years you may only read Genesis through Joshua over and over again. So you get the foundation… When the Psalms and Ecclesiastes were written, they were written for people who were steeped in the earlier Scriptures. Ecclesiastes is not some mysterious book of philosophy. Ecclesiastes is all about the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles is literally the Feast of “Clouds.” That’s what sukkoth means. You get branches down out of a tree to make a little lean-to. Those branches up on that tree are a cloud. When you make a tree-house down here out of those branches, you’ve got your own little cloud. After a week it disintegrates. But God in His cloud, in His Tabernacle, goes on and on.

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Jun 6 2010

From the Vault


Liturgical Man, Liturgical Woman

True Humility

Upon This Rock

The Nursery of Culture

This Is A Bad Thing?

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