Feb 24 2010

Horns of Moses

or Meat to Eat – 1


“And whanne Moises cam doun fro the hil of Synai, he helde twei tablis of witnessyng, and he wiste not that his face was horned of the felouschipe of Goddis word..” —Exodus 34:29, Wycliffe

Perhaps you’ve seen those bumper stickers that say, “If we’re not meant to eat animals, why are they made of meat?”


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From memory, men didn’t eat meat until after the flood. The history from Adam to Noah follows the Feasts pattern, with Adam as the Alpha male (heh) and Noah as the mature and wise Omega male of that initial process. [1] Moving from vegetarianism (literally “seeds”) to meat was not only a sign of judgment, but a sign of greater judgment put into the hands of God’s Man. [2] Noah could eat meat, and he could also sentence murderers to death. Man now had teeth in a way he had never had them before. Even we use the phrase “toothless” to refer to ineffective pieces of legislation. As mentioned elsewhere here, teeth and tusks and ivory and horns are symbols of justice, whether they be on men, animals, or altars. [3] A blood-covered horn means the crime is atoned for. Just as Christ was a Lamb with seven horns, worthy to open the scroll, Moses came down from Sinai with not only a “scroll” (or tablets in that case) but “horns.” This translation has been dismissed as errant, but perhaps the reason for it should not be dismissed so easily. Here’s my attempt at an interpretation.

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Feb 23 2010

Thorn in the Flesh

or Crops and Creeps

malificent“And because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given unto me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, in order to keep me from exalting myself. Concerning this I entreated the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, then, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Thus, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” —2 Cor. 12:7-10

What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Theories abound, from a bad temper, to bowlegs, to eye trouble and even epilepsy. Why is it that so many commentators fail to check their concordances for “previous.” These days, with Bible wordsearch software, we have no excuse.

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Feb 22 2010

Make ‘Em Laugh, Make ‘Em Cry

or Show Me the Tropes


Literary agent Peter Rubie would undoubtedly have read many story synopses, both fiction and non-fiction. His colleague Janet Reid advises that anyone wishing to write a bestseller should read at least two thousand novels before attempting to write their own. Peter gives some helpful advice:

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Feb 21 2010

Forever Young


Heavenly Father,

Today we celebrate
Your work in Your Son,
the One who said,
“Behold, I make all things new.”

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Feb 20 2010

Anorexia Nirvana


God knows us infinitely better than we know ourselves. God has said that celibacy is “not good.” It is not good for the man and not good for the church. A celibate clergy will distort the gospel in subtle ways without meaning to do so, because they are living in an unsatisfactory situation.

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Feb 19 2010

Fragrance of Christ


or Smells Like Holy Spirit

A friend recently gave me a unique gift. With some difficulty and great expense, he sourced the ingredients for the anointing oil of the Aaronic priesthood and I was the grateful recipient of a small, blue vial.

The scent of the oil is intoxicating. You breathe it in and in some strange way you can “taste” it as it goes down. It is extremely complex and yet a single fragrance. Continue reading

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Feb 12 2010

Bible Matrix Update

Dr Leithart has very kindly written a foreword for Bible Matrix, which is a bare-bones-basic version of Totus Christus. It was a big ask, considering we have never met, but he has written the following. I hope his brave endorsement encourages you to look out for it when it becomes available. Stay tuned for updates.


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Feb 11 2010

There Can Be Only One

highlandermonoGod took on a body, from the dust, in Adam. A trillion particles of inanimate, dead stuff pulled together and organised into the most complex system in the cosmos, an organic machine capable of feats we are yet to discover.

Adam, as Covenant head, also took on a “body.” A Divine Handful of flesh and bone, dead or dying by any human measure, organised into a being more palatial and lavish than any male eye is worthy to behold.

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Feb 10 2010

50 Failed Predictions? – #10


Here’s the last installment of my answers to Brian Simmon’s 50 objections to a first century “coming in judgment” of Christ. You can find a link under Featured Articles that will list them all for you.

46. Abraham still hasn’t inherited the land God promised him (Gen. 13: 15; Acts 7: 5).

Joshua 21:43 “So the LORD gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it.”

I don’t see the relevance of Acts 7:5. The Land was promised to his descendants.

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Feb 9 2010

Wandering Stars

The astral bodies signified those who are glorified and exalted. While this is true of all the saints, it is also true of all human rulers as well. Revelation 1:20 says that the rulers of the church are like stars, and Jude 13 says that apostate teachers are “wandering stars.” —James B. Jordan, Through New Eyes, p. 55.


Jude’s epistle follows the themes of the Bible matrix. In Adam’s pattern, the first half (forming) was good, but he forfeited the glories of the last half (filling). Like God, he was to create with a faithful Covenant word. His failure made him a false prophet, one who cries “peace, peace” when Leviathan is at the gate.

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