Mar 29 2010

The Liberating Curse – 1

or The Self-Maledictory Oath


For thus says the LORD God of Israel to me: “Take this wine cup of fury from My hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send you, to drink it. “And they will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.” Then I took the cup from the LORD’s hand, and made all the nations drink, to whom the LORD had sent me…” (Jeremiah 25:15-17)

The content of this post has been revised and included in Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key.

[1] See Sacramental Doses of Death.
[2] This is the execution of a Covenant curse, so those who fought against Jerusalem were people under the Covenant.
[3]Contrary to popular opinion, I believe that the divided animals substitute for the Canaanites rather than for Abraham, but the birds do substitute for Abraham. The birds are the head of the Covenant, and He is never crushed. Only the serpent’s head is crushed. This also relates to the linen left in Christ’s tomb. The Jew-Gentile body was divided in Abraham and reunited in Christ. See Pass-over and Pass-Through.
[4] See Three Babylons.
[5] This also relates to the disappearance of the pure Covenant-head, the Ark of the Covenant. See The Lost Ark.

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Feb 19 2010

Fragrance of Christ


or Smells Like Holy Spirit

A friend recently gave me a unique gift. With some difficulty and great expense, he sourced the ingredients for the anointing oil of the Aaronic priesthood and I was the grateful recipient of a small, blue vial.

The scent of the oil is intoxicating. You breathe it in and in some strange way you can “taste” it as it goes down. It is extremely complex and yet a single fragrance. Continue reading

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Jan 31 2010

A Man Under Authority


How are we to understand the need for Jacob to wrestle not only with Laban, but also with the angel of the Lord?

Abraham was given a miraculous son and his greatest test was to face the loss of that promised son. Jacob’s test was a similar loss of what had been gained through unity with God by Covenant. Both Abraham and Jacob had learned that they were not lords themselves but stewards under the Lord. Their authority was delegated to them. They were “Word incarnate.” Theirs was the authority of a head servant. They were Covenant vassals, and what was truly precious was their faithful relationship to God under this Covenant. Continue reading

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Jan 15 2010

Defining the Covenant

Personal and structural…

“Jordan’s definition of the covenant is striking. Continue reading

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Sep 22 2009

Lambs in Limbo

or Understanding Dominion by Covenant


The New Covenant is not about salvation. It is about dominion. Before you call in the inquisitors, have a look at this diagram from my book:


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Sep 2 2009

The Chuckle of Faith


“Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.  
—Genesis 15:5-6

Abraham didn’t sleep in on the day he was to take his beloved son, his only son, to Moriah, kill him and offer him as an ascension. He got up early. By this stage in the narrative, Abraham had been tried and tested many times, but this seems just a little too keen.

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Aug 1 2009

A New Heavens and a New Earth


“For as the new heavens and the new earth [Land] which I will make shall remain before Me,” says the LORD, “So shall your descendants and your name remain.”  Isaiah 66:22

If you’ve been around preterism for a little while, you will know that this phrase is Covenantal. It refers to a new firmament (blood covering) and new mediators (on the Land); a new crystal sea government (Laver) and a restored four-cornered Israel (Bronze Altar).

So, Isaiah’s and Peter’s references to a new heaven and a new earth refer to looming Covenantal events, events which were contemporary to the respective authors. Isaiah spoke of the Restoration of Israel from Babylon. Peter spoke of the full inauguration of the kingdom in AD70.[1]

But extreme preterists want to divorce the term from physical reality altogether. I do follow them up to a point, but I think the solution is that, yes, all Creation is Covenantal, but it began with the physical world and will end with a restored physical world:
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Jul 24 2009

A Jaw-dropping Book

5pointheaderEric Rauch describes one of the greatest theological discoveries of our time, one which hardly anyone has heard of yet after 20 years.

Always Reformed, Always Reforming

by Eric Rauch

One of the enduring Latin phrases of the Protestant Reformation is the impressive sounding ecclesia semper reformans, semper reformanda. In plain English, this means “the church is always reformed and always reforming.” This simple principle is one that is most often forgotten in modern discussions about theology, where a surefire way to end a disagreement is to pull out something written by Luther, Calvin, or even Spurgeon and show that they said much the same thing. Although the Reformers themselves were quite emphatic that they were not the final word (hence the “always reforming”), contemporary Christianity seems to be convinced that dead theologians should be the authoritative standard of interpretation.

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May 20 2009

Resurrected to Witness

The Purpose of the Restoration Covenant

“The restoration period is the last era of Israel’s history as the people of God and the climactic period of old covenant. The kingdom of God has grown beyond Israel and spread to the nations, who are the God-appointed protectors of His priestly people. Israel’s loss of independence and submission to Gentile powers was not a backward movement in the kingdom program of God. Abraham had been chosen by God so that through him all the nations of the world could be blessed (Gen. 12:3). In the restoration era, this was fulfilled more than at any other time in Israel’s history. Through the dispersion Jews had spread all over the world and they brought with them the knowledge of the true God.

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Apr 15 2009

Weapons of War – 5

Voluntary Submission

The sign of the Covenant has progressed from the removal of Adam’s sin (Passover) to Eve’s removal from sin (Atonement).

Circumcision was only for males, because Israel’s history concerned the coming of the Adam. Baptism, however, is for both males and females, imaging the resurrection for war of a corporate Eve—the body (Trumpets).

Circumcision brought near those who could not stand on their own (Isaac). Baptism brings near the mature (Esther), who present themselves before God’s ministers as plunder from the nations, submitting to church government to be enrobed, washed, and seated in the royal priesthood.

Obeying the gospel identified us with Greater Adam (circumcision – death), a circumcision “made without hands” (Colossians 2:11).

Submitting to baptism, however, identifies us with Greater Eve and her government over us—the Saturnine sword of the Covenant (resurrection).

Circumcision and Passover looked forward to Christ’s death. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are Covenant memorials, but also look forward to the final Conquest cleansing and resurrection.

A New Covenant believer’s baptism is a knighthood, or “Nazirite-hood.” One mature enough to publicly testify to his faith bows before his Captain and is symbolically beheaded by the sword of Conquest, smashed by the rod of iron—the church. We must be dominated before we can dominate. He rises and stands on the Laver (“Arise a knight!”) – the Jordan, picturing the crystal sea before the Throne. After access to the “marriage feast” he rides into battle as an authorised emissary. Only he who has submitted to the sword is enabled to carry it. As an image it certainly communicates the gravity of the responsibility.

As far as the world is concerned, the Christian has hoisted the Jolly Roger. As far as Christ is concerned, he has nailed the colours of Eve to the mast and deliberately, publicly, joined the brotherhood.

Infant baptism dims the glory of this New Covenant sacrament of corporate maturity.

Israelite males presented themselves before God at Passover/Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits and Booths. (Exodus 23:14-17) picturing the death, resurrection and marriage of the “bridegroom.” Trumpets summoned the people to prepare for Atonement, making ready the “bride.”

Sabbath - God’s Word initiates the pattern in Adam

000Passover - Adam is summoned and dies (Israel’s circumcision – Red Sea)

000000Firstfruits - Adam is resurrected

000000000Pentecost - Eve is tested in the wilderness

000000Trumpets - Eve is summoned and dies

000Atonement - Eve is resurrected (Christian baptism – Jordan)

Booths - Marriage feast of the Lamb

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