From John Barach’s blog:
The Fruit of Dispensationalism
In the Portland airport, on my way back home, I read a new book on eschatology by Auburn Avenue’s associate pastor, Duane Garner. Here are a few paragraphs to whet your appetite. In the context, Garner has been talking about Hal Lindsey’s recommendation that Christians retreat from society because things are going to get worse and worse until Jesus returns:
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Comments Off | tags: Culture, Dispensationalism, Ethics, Postmillennialism | posted in The Last Days

On the one hand, loud-mouthed, offensive Christians might not make unbelievers think, “Gee, I want to be like you.” But on the other, are Christians to woo the world using only the vocab of a Rick Warren calendar? When is it OK to be offensive?
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Comments Off | tags: Ethics, Mark Driscoll, Richard Dawkins | posted in Ethics