The Bible contains some patterns that are frequently repeated. Sometimes these are inverted or reversed to make a point.
An example would be the seven feasts listed in Leviticus 23 which provide a common literary structure. Revelation 1-11 follows this heptamerous pattern, with Jesus’ ascension in 4-5 as Firstfruits. Revelation 12-19 also follows this pattern, with the rise of the false prophet and harlot as an ironic counterfeit of Firstfruits.
In Revelation 16, in the second major cycle, the “Ascension” section concerns the fall of Babylon and its internal structure is upside down to make the point. Reaching the end of this second cycle, the “Atonement” section is even more tricksy. Because the seven feasts are chiastic (symmetrical) with Pentecost at the centre (actually the scorching fire of un-Pentecost), Passover (Red Sea) and Atonement (Jordan) correspond (feast 2 and feast 6). So even though the seven bowls deconstruct the Old Covenant feasts – running through their order backwards – the “un-Passover” of bowl 6 is actually the “Atonement” Joshua-conquest of the church, the new Israel. So this bowls section is a subtle see-saw, working from 7 down to 1 for the Old Covenant, and from 1 to 7 for the New. This becomes apparent at bowl 6, when, at Un-Passover, (the new church’s day of covering) old Israel is exposed, uncovered, before God.
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In recaptulating Israel’s history, the seven letters in Revelation 2-3 confirm that the true Israel was transformed by the death and resurrection of Christ, progressing from Firstfruits through Pentecost to Trumpets. James Jordan writes:
“[Bible chronology] is a history of how the Divine Parent educated the core and centre of the human race, and then of how He called all nations to be grafted into that Olive Tree history so as to receive the benefit of it… The human race had matured to the point where it was fitting for Messiah to come, and come not only to save the race, but to bring the race to maturity… And then we can notice that the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 are each associated with a particular time in Old Covenant history. We can begin to apply the societal wisdom we have begun to learn from Israel’s history to address the particular problems and issues in our own churches. Is your church most like Pergamum? Well, that’s the wilderness church. Perhaps your church is made up of people who need to be addressed in a Law-oriented fashion. If your church is like Thyatira, maybe a strong dose of Psalms. If like Sardis, you need Jeremiah. And so forth.”
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Revelation 20-21:21 as a new Tabernacle
This passage seems to follow the Tabernacle furniture (and the Feasts, but more subtly). It concerns the inauguration of the new heavens and new land, the gospel age as a new creation, beginning with the closing of the heavy lid of the false ark.
Day 1 Throne The Ark of the Abyss – Satan thrown into the pit (cf Zechariah 5)
Day 2 Firmament The Laver of the Abyss – Satan’s final rebellion ends in the lake of fire
Day 3 Altar (Land & Sea) The Altar of the Abyss – Land and Sea give up their dead to be judged
Day 4 Lampstand The Lampstand of Heaven – the Holy City (Eve lights) is ready for her Adam light
Day 5 Altar (Incense) The Altar of Heaven – True and false Eve armies are separated
Day 6 Firmament The Laver of Heaven – the Old Covenant crystal sea is replaced with a crystal city
Day 7 Throne The Ark of Heaven – the bridal city is described as pure gold, the Shekinah
Greater Eve, the virgin bride, is enthroned over the nations, a human government in heaven.
This pattern reflects the testing of Adam in the garden. Jesus deals here with Adam’s usurper and rescues Eve from the serpent by filling her with the light of the Law. She becomes a “fulfilled Ark” as the pattern is measured out across the world.
The remainder of Revelation begins a new pattern, but it ends halfway through at the same test Adam faced – the Tree of Life.
The image above is from Elizabeth – the Golden Age, which contains some truly awesome ‘warrior bride’ iconography. TAOTA
Comments Off | tags: Altar of the Abyss, Ark of the Covenant, Feasts, Greater Eve, Incense Altar, Lampstand, Revelation, Revelation 20, Satan, Temple | posted in Against Hyperpreterism, Bible Matrix, Biblical Theology