Sep 29 2009

Feasts in Jeremiah 1

or Jeremiah’s Seven Thunders

joshuastrumpetsThis feasts pattern covers Jeremiah 1:4 – 2:1 so the chapter division is a bit off. After the introduction (vv. 1-3), the Lord speaks. Jeremiah then speaks as Yahweh’s representative from 2:2. He is a Trumpets warning before Nebuchadnezzar’s “Day of Atonement” and the enforced sabbath of the Land.

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Sabbath (Genesis – Creation)
[Word from the Ark]
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: ”Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

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Sep 26 2009

Feasts in Jeremiah 9


Sabbath (creation – Genesis 1:1′s “in the beginning” is literally “at the head”)
Oh that my head were waters,
   and my eyes a fountain of tears,

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Sep 24 2009

Big Government


“According to I Chronicles chapter 15, 16:4-6, 37-43, David rearranged the Levitical priesthood into 24 courses (orders); he assigned 16 courses to Eleazer, and 8 courses to Ithamar. This rearrangement was chartered because of a population explosion in David’s reign.” [1]

More evidence for a human government installed in heaven in AD70 (the firstfruits church). If the rebuilt Tabernacle (the Tabernacle of David [2]) prefigured both the restoration of the Jews after the captivity (which is what Amos is actually referring to) and the Jew-Gentile church, what could David’s rearranged priesthood mean typologically?

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Sep 22 2009

Lambs in Limbo

or Understanding Dominion by Covenant


The New Covenant is not about salvation. It is about dominion. Before you call in the inquisitors, have a look at this diagram from my book:


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Sep 19 2009

Menu for the Dirty Birds

vulturesRevelation is laced with the Dominion pattern like brandy through a Christmas pudding. As a literary structure, its identification highlights some interesting things.

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Sep 10 2009

Haman Hamstrung


But the LORD said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid because of them, for tomorrow about this time I will deliver all of them slain before Israel. You shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire.”  Joshua 11:6

‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Are [you] he of whom I have spoken in former days by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied for years in those days that I would bring you against them?  Ezekiel 38:17

James Jordan’s correlation of Ezekiel 38-39 with the book of Esther makes a great deal of sense.[1] I have found it plays out in many ways, including the structure of the book of Ezekiel. None of the books of the Bible are thrown together haphazardly. They all follow strict literary conventions. The validity of this Esther interpretation is supported by the structure of the book of Ezekiel.

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Aug 24 2009

Few There Be

or Eclipsing the Temple of Doom

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”  Matthew 7:14


Oh dear. This verse proves postmillennialism wrong. It also proves the rest of the Bible wrong because that is postmillennial too. Fortunately, this problem seems almost as simple to deal with as Irenaeus’ ambiguous text that non-preterists use to “unfound” preterism.[1]

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Aug 22 2009

The Fall Guy

or Silence of the Lamb


“And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb.”   Daniel 10:15


The Dominion pattern always begins with a Word from God. The one He speaks to then goes through a symbolic “Passover” death-and-resurrection. The new prophet is then “raised” to his feet (Firstfruits) and given a task. Filled with God’s Word, he opens it to the intended audience (Pentecost).[1]

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Aug 17 2009

Bad Tabernacle in Isaiah 66

or Lord of the Flies


Isaiah 66 pictures hypocritical worship as the Altar of the Abyss (See that series here).

This is just a quick overview. Most of it does seem to fit, but I’m sure there’s plenty more work to do here…

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Aug 13 2009

What the Seraphim Really Said


My Hebrew teacher was reading a Kabbalistic text and noted that it was the only place where he had seen an interpretation of Isaiah 6:3 that agreed with his own translation. We usually get something like this (NASB):

“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory.”

The Hebrew is actually like this, (from Young’s translation):

“Holy, Holy, Holy, [is] Jehovah of Hosts, The fulness of all the earth [is] His glory.”

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