
Luke 4:30 “But he passing through the midst of them went his way…”
Why did Abraham not cut up the birds?
The structure of the passage has a “Passover“. Abraham acts as a human firmament by chasing away the “Covenant curse” birds of prey, then falls into a deep, dark sleep.
Matching this chiastically at step 6, the smoking firepot and blazing torch pass through the divided pieces at Atonement. But not through the birds, obviously.
Did the clean birds represent the Covenant people, just as the scavenging vultures represented the Covenant curses? What sins did the sacrifice atone for?
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or The Crash of AD70

Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates. (Genesis 2:10-14)
After the Herod and Shylock post, I had one complaint that the Worship as Commerce tag didn’t really do what it said on the tin, so I hope to capture it (briefly?) here. Now, where to start? As James Jordan explains, the idea begins in Eden.
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1 comment | tags: AD70, Amalek, Gehenna, Genesis, Gnosticism, Herod, High Priest, Isaiah, Manna, Moses, Numbers 5, Revelation, Solomon, Temple, Worship as commerce | posted in Against Hyperpreterism, Biblical Theology, Christian Life, Creation, Ethics, Quotes, The Last Days, Totus Christus
Doug Wilson on Twilight:
Let me take this opportunity to point out the theological logic of this whole sorry business, offered as yet another reason why Christians ought to be having nothing whatever to do with this, as I say, sorry business. After all, what sense does it make to say, “Yes, well, I know the writing is terrible, but at least it has lots of Mormon weirdness!”
So there is something of a spoiler here, so if it is your policy to avoid spoilers, then stop reading now. At the end of the series, Bella does get it in the neck, so to speak. She gets vampirized, although I don’t exactly know how, having no intention myself of reading that far. Why does that matter?
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Warren Gage/Christopher Barber and then James Jordan on Joseph’s wisdom:
“How strange Joseph’s behaviour toward his brothers appears to a modern reader! He recognises his brothers immediately but maintains his Egyptian disguise. He speaks harshly to them and then only through an interpreter. He charges them with spying — a capital crime for which he can sentence them to death. He takes one brother as a hostage. He returns their silver as they go home for the first time, and then he sets the brothers up in order to accuse them of stealing his silver cup on their second return trip, at which point he has them arrested. In short, he terrifies them.
What does this all mean? Is Joseph seeking revenge? Clearly that is not the case, for he so loves them he can hardly restrain himself fom revealing his identity — and his forgiveness — to them. Surely he is not vengeful. Why does he act this way? And why does the text go to such lengths to describe all of this?
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Related both to The Significance of Tubal-Cain and Schism or Resurrection?
With Tubal-Cain as an artisan of the false Tabernacle, Jubal becomes the music director. This Tabernacle is at Firstfruits in the Adam-to-Noah pattern, which means that to be true it should have been a tent of silence. The Tabernacle of Moses is silent because it sits and listens to God. It is the submission of the “head.”
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2 comments | tags: Bible Matrix, Feasts, Genesis | posted in Biblical Theology
Interesting stuff from James Jordan’s Trees and Thorns: A Commentary on Genesis 2-4

“…swarmers-creepers are described as creatures that break the boundaries of human life and invade the human house, defiling the house.”
The first two of the four curses upon the serpent are found in Genesis 3:14. Only the serpent is directly cursed, and the word You is emphatic in Hebrew. The man and the woman are not cursed directly, but mediately through the soil, an important distinction that we shall address in due course.
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and Feasts in Genesis 27
The content of this post has been revised and included in Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key.
See also Joseph as Torn Veil.
1 comment | tags: Esau, Feasts, Genesis, Isaac, Jacob, Peter Leithart, Rebekah | posted in Biblical Theology
or Every Knee Shall Bow

Day 1
So, Adam fouled the first Sabbath. He failed to be Light.
Day 2
Cain made a false exodus (with Abel as the Passover lamb) and went to “worship in the wilderness.” God marked him as a “covering.” Being “barren”, Cain built a city as a covering, but it was just like Adam’s figleaves. It was a phony firmament, a fabricated Covenant, a city built on the wrong sort of blood.
Day 3
His offspring built a counterfeit Tabernacle – in opposition to the worship at the Gate of Eden. This was a false Land, a false mountain, like Mount Gerizim became to the Samaritans. Lamech, as a false Moses, “ascended” not as a Lamb slain, but as an accuser, the incarnation of the serpent. But someone true ascended as Firstfruits: Enoch.
This brings us to Day 4. As in the Garden, and as in Israel’s wilderness, the test was harlotry.
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and the Usefulness of the Blood of Abel
“…you have come… to the blood of sprinkling that speaks [more useful, more serviceable, more advantageous] things than [that of] Abel.” Hebrews 12:22-24
In Biblical Horizons newsletter 203, James Jordan argues that since Cain’s “exodus” to build a city occurred around 130 years after the Fall, he was publicly humiliated before thousands. He would have been accompanied by at least 1000 people, so he didn’t build the city on his own.
This means that Adam, like Solomon, was father to a divided kingdom. 1 Kings presents Solomon as a new Adam, even down to his naming of animals in his biological studies. Cain was like Jeroboam, shown mercy, given a chance, but who then caused Israel to sin.
What does Genesis give us after this? Continue reading
7 comments | tags: Abel, Altar of the Abyss, Athaliah, Cain, Genesis, Hebrews, Herodias, Jeroboam, Solomon, Tabernacle | posted in Biblical Theology, The Last Days

A further thought on confession related to Your Own Private Sheol:
At the seduction of Eve, Adam was faced with a creature he had previously named. This naming was the first expression of his dominion.
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