Apr 8 2009

The Altar of the Abyss – 5

“Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons.” Mark 16:9

The relationship of the Ark to the Lampstand is important. The Ark is the single ‘light’ in the darkness of the Most Holy Place. It rules the first three days of creation. Continue reading

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Apr 8 2009

The Altar of the Abyss – 6

High Priest in the Unholy Place

The Lampstand, Table and Incense Altar are Word, Sacrament and Government. Christ was tempted with unholy Word (bread), unholy sacrament (disobedience 1) and unholy government (a counterfeit kingdom). Couple this with the facts that He was in the wilderness for 40 days, and that Eve was tempted in the same way, and you have a definitive triune breakdown of the golden calf. It was a false Tabernacle, a metal beast instead of a metal man.

As Greater Eve, the first century church was tempted in exactly the same way, but by this point the golden calf was actually speaking. Herod’s temple was the image of the beast, the Tabernacle of the Abyss. We see its antidote in Revelation 1: a glorified metal man, come to judge a corrupted Eve (the harlot) and the beast she believed in.


1 In this case it is a false death and resurrection. TAOTA

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Apr 8 2009

The Altar of the Abyss – 7


Revelation 20-21:21 as a new Tabernacle

This passage seems to follow the Tabernacle furniture (and the Feasts, but more subtly). It concerns the inauguration of the new heavens and new land, the gospel age as a new creation, beginning with the closing of the heavy lid of the false ark.

Day 1 Throne The Ark of the Abyss – Satan thrown into the pit (cf Zechariah 5)

Day 2 Firmament The Laver of the Abyss – Satan’s final rebellion ends in the lake of fire

Day 3 Altar (Land & Sea) The Altar of the Abyss – Land and Sea give up their dead to be judged

Day 4 Lampstand The Lampstand of Heaven – the Holy City (Eve lights) is ready for her Adam light

Day 5 Altar (Incense) The Altar of Heaven – True and false Eve armies are separated

Day 6 Firmament The Laver of Heaven – the Old Covenant crystal sea is replaced with a crystal city

Day 7 Throne The Ark of Heaven – the bridal city is described as pure gold, the Shekinah

Greater Eve, the virgin bride, is enthroned over the nations, a human government in heaven.

This pattern reflects the testing of Adam in the garden. Jesus deals here with Adam’s usurper and rescues Eve from the serpent by filling her with the light of the Law. She becomes a “fulfilled Ark” as the pattern is measured out across the world.

The remainder of Revelation begins a new pattern, but it ends halfway through at the same test Adam faced – the Tree of Life.


The image above is from Elizabeth – the Golden Age, which contains some truly awesome ‘warrior bride’ iconography. TAOTA

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Apr 8 2009

Gnostic Assumptions

“In orthodox Christianity, salvation is not primarily deliverance from Satan’s realm, for Satan has no real realm; rather, salvation is deliverance from the wrath of God. Satan’s oppression of men is but an expression of the wrath of God, and it is not Satan who must be dealt with, but the wrath of God.”

jbjmonoThere are many descriptions of Gnosticism, but the best is that which recognizes that Gnosticism is the great counterfeit of Christianity, which has hounded it since the beginning. Gnosticism sees the issues of history in terms of knowledge and power, instead of in terms of faith and obedience. Gnosticism approaches history in terms of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, rather than in terms of the Tree of Life (which is approached on the basis of faith). Continue reading

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