An Eschatology of Confusion
An examination of the teachings of Jesus on eschatological issues. Also, a look at the dating and interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
by W.A. Young, Jr. Th.D. Covenant Theological Seminary
Nothing is more interesting than the study of what is referred to as the end-times. Nothing sells books, tapes, or videos like future prophecy. Preoccupation with the future is what sells horoscopes, palm readings, and the like. We all face the fears and hopes of what the future may bring. People want to know what will happen in the end.
The purpose of this paper is to review the nature of eschatology. There has been a major shift in eschatological perspective that has swept through much of evangelicalism today. This has occurred in the last one hundred to one hundred and fifty years. It has both violated and permeated much of the church’s teachings concerning the end of this age.
My own journey, especially during the early formative years, was one of vacillation. In the early days, I subscribed to the majority report among evangelicals, the dispensational view. This view is characterized by Hal Lindsey and others. Dispensationalism came about in the 1830′s and is built on the futurist system and supported by the Scofield Bible. It dominates evangelical preaching, education, publishing, and broadcasting today. I suspect the reason is that Scofield presents such a systematic approach that an individual can easily subscribe because it is so easily laid out in his footnotes. As I have grown in my understanding of scriptures I have come to see that the moderate Preterist perspective best presents the biblical perspective. This view is what is under consideration in this paper. Continue reading