Jul 19 2009

Feasts in John 20


Sabbath - Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week,

…..Passover - when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, 
…..for fear of the Jews,

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Jul 18 2009

High Priests of Ephesus

Genesis (Sabbath) – Grace and peace (Shalom in Christ)
[Ephesians 1]

…..Exodus (Passover) – Children of wrath made members of the
…..household of God by the blood of Christ   [Ephesians 2:1-17]

……….Leviticus (Firstfruits) – Access to the Father as the dwelling
……….place of God. The mystery of God opened   [Ephesians 2:18-3:12]

……………Numbers (Pentecost) – Filled with all the fullness of God,
……………strengthened with might through His Spirit   [Ephesians 3:13-21]

……….Deuteronomy (Trumpets) – Law repeated. The troops presented
……….to God. Inheritance. Music  [Ephesians 4:1-6:9]

…..Joshua (Atonement) – Every saint wears the armour
…..of the High Priest  [Ephesians 6:10-18]

Judges (Tabernacles) – Paul the ambassador to the Gentiles
[Ephesians 6:19-24]

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Jul 15 2009

Welcome to the Matrix


Tim writes:

“[Totus Christus is] a book which certainly makes you think. While I have read other books on Biblical theology, looking at the structure of the Bible in that way (the Dominion pattern, feasts, etc.) is an idea which I’d never considered at all before. At first I didn’t quite get what each part of the pattern involves, even after you’d explained it, but after seeing it applied to a few sections of the Bible I was fine. I think its helped me get a better understanding of how God has revealed himself through the Bible. Continue reading

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Jul 11 2009

Bible Matrix


Who’d have thought Genesis 1 unlocks the whole Bible?
Someone suggested that Totus Christus is a pill-too-big for most to swallow, and that I should write an introductory how-to (Thanks, Eric!). Then, with a big grip on the heptamerous handle, readers can tackle the commentary more easily. I’m trying to keep this intro to 150-200 pages, including some particularly fetching diagrams.

“Ever wish someone could give you a big handle on the whole Bible without years of study? You pick up that book in a Christian bookstore and think you have finally found the answer, only to be bombarded with an endless stream of data to make sense of? All you discovered was that the more you know, the more you realise you don’t know.

Well, this book not only promises to give you that big handle—it will deliver on the promise. Yes, you will realise how much you don’t know, but you will have such a handle on God’s way of communicating, and on the big picture of Bible history, that you will be able to approach and study any passage with confidence. You should be asking, how is this possible?

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Jul 9 2009

Cutting off Flesh by Water


or Why Are We Baptizing the Dead?

Peter Leithart writes concerning baptism:

“In Genesis 9:11, Yahweh promises not to “cut off flesh” by water.  That is the covenant with Noah.

A few chapters later, Yahweh tells Abram that he must cut off the flesh of all male children of Israel, not by water but by a knife.

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Jun 30 2009

The Second Death

twogoats“And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”  – Revelation 11:8

Revelation 20 makes it clear that the “second death” is the lake of fire. But an analysis of the literary structure of Revelation brings out an interesting factor.

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Jun 20 2009

A Terrible Marvel


or Typology: Deadly Weapon or game of Scattergories?

“Chiastic literary analysis has completely destroyed liberal literary criticism. Liberalism is in tatters, bleeding and dying. Liberalism cannot survive Dorsey’s chiastic proof of the total unity of Isaiah, for instance. Dorsey finds loads of 7-fold chiasms in the Bible. I’ve found scores more, quite independently. What Dorsey does not see is that these are recaps of the chiasm of the 7 days in Genesis 1. And that’s good, because it means he did not go through the Bible forcing passages into heptamerous chiasms. He just found them there, and others can see that these track Genesis 1 as ‘new creation’ passages.”

—James B. Jordan, A Reply on the Nature of the Psalter, Biblical Horizons blog, biblicalhorizons.wordpress.com, referring to David A. Dorsey, The Literary Structure of the Old Testament.

If chiastic literary analysis (along with typology as I posted recently) is such a powerful weapon against a modernist interpretation of the Bible, why are these methods of study shunned by those who oppose liberal theology? Why are theologians hauled over the coals for using it if it leaves the enemy in shreds?

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