Dec 9 2010

BT Bootcamp


A seminary student, who has put me through the ringer with some good questions, has reviewed Bible Matrix:

In many circles of theological education today, the prevailing notion is that unless you have four PhDs, mastery of 17 languages, and an obsession with every sort of criticism under the sun, there is no way to even begin to understand the Bible. In Bible Matrix, author Michael Bull lays this erroneous belief to rest once and for all.

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Dec 8 2010

Aslan’s Country

or Takes One to Know One


We saw Voyage of the Dawntreader last night. Biblical themes and symbols abound. Of course, the story follows the Bible Matrix formula, but the message of a courageous Maturity via Testing at God’s hand, in such a visual form, was striking, especially for young people. All the characters are transfigured by the end, particularly Eustace, whose cowardice and courage were really the heart of the proceedings. Narnia is foolishness to him, but a time in the wilderness gives him a different Spirit. He moves from the unbroken natural, through brokenness, to a humble, spiritual wisdom that judges rightly between good and evil.

The final scene encapsulated everything I have been trying to communicate concerning baptism. It pictures the reception of saints into government as enrobed heavenly elders, God’s council of wise men who sit at court with Him as Great Prophets, co-Mediators.

Although only one character “passes across” into Aslan’s country, all the saints “pass through” in their return home as human argosies of wisdom and understanding. Wise distinctions and tough decisions must be made before the crystal walls and gates.

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Dec 6 2010

Pillars of the Land


Peter Leithart writes:

“Why so much attention to the pillars of Solomon’s temple in 2 Kings 25? It is likely that these were the last major items left. Ahaz had already dismantled the bronze sea and the water chariots. King after king plundered the temple for bribe money. When Nebuchadnezzar came, not much was left. Perhaps even the ark was among the ‘gold’ items removed earlier.” [1]

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Dec 4 2010

Leviticus as Literature


One of the keys to getting a grip on the Bible is visualising movement, particularly the “There and Back Again” of chiasms. Ralph Smith posted a link to this fascinating article on the structure of Leviticus:

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Dec 1 2010

Better Angels


“…of the angels He says:
‘Who makes His angels spirits
and His ministers a flame of fire.’”

God is the source of all things, and He identifies Himself as such in His speeches. Every speech is Covenantal, and every preamble within His speeches is a statement of transcendence. “I am the Lord your God.”

After the initial call comes delegation, Covenantal Hierarchy. A man, a Moses, an Abraham, receives the Word with meekness.

We know that angels are God’s messengers, the sent ones. They administered the Old Covenant as our tutors, Satan becoming the first false teacher, the first corrupt ambassador, or, if you will, the first publican.

[This post has been refined and included in Sweet Counsel: Essays to Brighten the Eyes.]
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Nov 29 2010

Satan’s Synagogue


The Word of God is architectural. Like Solomon, the apostles understood that there is a time to build up and a time to tear down. Here is one of John’s blueprints: Continue reading

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Nov 29 2010

Feasts in Hannah’s Prayer


The Mosaic Tabernacle was silent. It was a place of mysterious words, dark sayings, carried out in secret. Eventually, it was violated, torn apart. It was the body of death, with sacrifices of blood carried out by Israelite priests. Like circumcision, it was a place of silent witness (the tablets) and the cutting off of the old leaven. (The fact that Hannah was not drunk makes this her holy war – the OC ministers of death could not drink wine in God’s presence.)

The tent was resurrected as the Tabernacle of David, an open place of dancing and loud music, with a new body of worshippers, both Jews and Gentiles. It was a new body of life, the flesh and the blood reunited in an impossible hybrid, with sacrifices of praise. [1] Like baptism, it was a place of reunion and bold testimony.

Hannah’s prayer was silent. She mouthed the words with a despair that felt like death. But after the miraculous delivery of the desired son, (offered to the Tabernacle as a symbolic ascension) she prayed aloud. Continue reading

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Nov 26 2010

Isaiah’s Booty Call


“His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.” Luke 3:17

“I came to send fire on the Land, and how I wish it were already kindled!”
Luke 12:49

Feasts in Isaiah 8:1-18


Moreover the LORD said to me (Transcendence – Creation)
…..“Take a large scroll, (Hierarchy – Division – Firmament)
……….and write on it with a man’s pen (Ascension – Land and Man-Face)
……………concerning Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. (Ethics – Testing)
……….“And I will take for Myself faithful witnesses to record,
……….(Maturity – 2 witnesses)
…..Uriah the priest (Mediator Man – Conquest)
and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah (Covenant succession/offspring – Glorification)

This is just the first stanza of seven, being the Creation-Word. In the second, the prophet goes on his mission (delegation or “exodus”), and the Lawsuit “Word” becomes flesh. Continue reading

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Nov 23 2010

Wet and Dry


“Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you
and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.”
Matthew 21:43

We unpacked the “face of the deep” of Day 1 and the “flat universe” created on Day 2. Time to analyse Day 3! Continue reading

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Nov 22 2010

From the Vault


Outward Man

Why are the Reformed So Unimaginative?

Untouched Flaws

Jesus’ New Broom

Old Saints

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